Swami Paramahamsa
Nithyanandji Blesses Little India
Los Angrles, March 30, 2009
By Dilip Butani and Swaran Dabgotra
Param Pujya Swami Paramahamsa Nithyanandji blessed the Indian
American Community on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at the Excelsior
High School Auditorium and delivered a lecture on Yoga Sutra.
The Enlightened Master, revealed to the audience the 5000 year-old
science. As per Swamiji, Yoga is a spiritual science gifted to
the world by Patanjali, who was one of the most revered sages
from ancient India and who is considered the Father of Yoga. Swamiji
said Yoga is a path for inner awakening which can become a way
of life. Yoga is not just body postures or breath control; it’s
a continuos happening in everyone. It enhances physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual strengths, and above all, leads one to
Self Realization itself. With the flowering of yoga, one can experience
a visible change in the postures, ethical discipline and sensory
perceptions. Through Yoga, the integration of body, mind &
spirit, the strength of intent, the power of visualization and
the courage of conviction can take a quantum jump to that ultimate
space of enlightenment. The authentic powers of yoga is not just
a posture or practice, but is a tool for Living Enlightenment.

‘Param Pujya Guru Paramhamsa Swami Nithyanandaji’
on March 29, 2009,
at The Excelsior High School Auditorium (Pioneer/Alondra), Norwalk,
The program started at 4:30 PM with Bhajans by Babubhai Gorajia
accompanied by Jayesh Gorajia on tabla.
Around 5 PM Swamiji arrived. He was given a red carpet welcome
by the Community. After Swamiji took seat on his beautifully decorated
Asan, Swami Medhanandji invited Dilip Butani to the stage. .
Dilip Butani welcomed Swamiji on behalf of the Indian American
Community. He said the community had waited for 16 months to get
Swamiji’s darshan. He requested Swamiji to bless the community
so that they can built a Vedic Temple in Little India.
Swamiji then released the souvenir specially published for this
occasion. After that Representative from Assemblyman Tony Mendoza’s
office presented a proclamation to Swamiji. The other guests included
Cypress Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Prakash Narain and Artesia Mayor Sally
Flowers. Flowers presented the City key to Swamiji.
The lecture ended around 7 PM. Ashok Patnaik and Anita Advani
announced names of volunteers and sponsors, while Anil Parekh
proposed a vote of thanks.
Swamiji then recognized all the volunteers who had worked very
hard to make this event a memorable one. Both, the Ashramites
and volunteers beautifully decorated the auditorium both inside
and outside. The stage looked gorgeous. Swamiji then gave energy
darshan to everyone present. Mahaprasad was also served.
The volunteers who worked hard for this program are Abhinav Mehta,
Ajoy Dube, Amrit Bhandari, Anil Parekh, Anita Advani, Ashok Patnaik,
Babubhai Gandhi, Dilip Butani, Hari Dadlani, Keshav Patel, Kewal
Kanda, Kishan Hingorani, Manorama Sharma, Pankaj Kumar, Prakash
Pancholi, Ramesh Bhatt, Ramesh Ramnani, Rashmi Sharma, Ratna Butani,
Rupa Dadlani, Sheila Pardasani. Number of organizations supported
the event and some restaurants volunteered for the food. The fruit
prasad was volunteered by Uka Solanki.
The program ended at 9 PM.
Community Welcomes Swami Nithyanandji at LA
Los Angeles, March 15, 2009
Dilip Butani
Indian Community of Southern California have organized a grand
program, as a welcome to one of the Greatest Enlightened Master
of all-time ‘Param Pujya Guru Paramhamsa Swami Nithyanandaji’
on March 29, 2009, at The Excelsior High School Auditorium (Pioneer/Alondra),
Norwalk, CA. Swamiji will give a discourse on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
The program is from 5 PM to 8 PM followed by Mahaprasad.
This is the first time; all the Organizations have joined together
to make this a memorable event. The community also propose to bring
out a souvenir on this occasion.
Swamiji will be visiting Los Angeles between Mar 24 and Apr 6.
A series of discourses are scheduled for March 24, 25, 26 and April
1 and 2 at the Vedic Temple, Montclair. Besides these discourses,
Swamiji will be conducting a Kalpataru Program on April 3 and Yoga
Spurana Program, which will be a 2-day meditation program on April
4 and 5. These unique workshops are a rare opportunity to spend
time in the presence of a living Enlightened Master.
The Kalpataru Program is a unique one-day meditation program for
blissful living, designed by Nithyanandaji and being offered for
the first time in the USA during his spring tour. Through meditation
techniques, one learns how to live a fulfilled life with more love,
happiness and compassion. In Yoga Spurana Program participants can
apply these teachings, experiencing greater fitness and health,
increasing productivity, bringing clarity, and leading to success
in all walks of life.
Also offered as part of Yogam will be Nithya Yoga, a form of yoga
cognized by Nithyanandaji. It is the most ancient system of yoga
as originally expressed by Patanjali, an experiential science the
very practice of yoga becomes a meditation. This practice can benefit
every individual, regardless of fitness level or yoga experience.
Swami Nithyanandaji was born in the temple town of Thiruvannamalai,
Tamil Nadu, which boasts a rich Vedic Tradition and is home to a
succession of enlightened masters, including Ramana Maharishi and
Annamalai Swamigal. Swamiji began his spiritual quest at a young
age, studying yoga, meditation and Vedic rituals.
A few years after his first spiritual experience, Nithyanandaji
left home to travel the length and breadth of India on parivrajaka
or wandering, in the tradition of great masters before him. During
his travels, he carried only a kamandalu or the holy water jug;
and would stay no more than few days in each place. His experience
on parivrakaja gave him the ability to deeply understand the problems
and daily concerns people face in their everyday lives.
After years of intense meditation practice and in-depth study of
Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta, and Shaiva philosophies while on parivrajaka,
Nithyanandaji attained the ultimate state of consciousness, the
State of Nithyananda or Eternal Bliss. After achieving this state,
Swamiji felt the intense need to share this precious gift with humanity
so that every individual can realize their full potential.
The teachings of Swami Nithyanandaji offer guaranteed and practical
solutions for all situations and all individuals. Nithyanandaji
is identified by his unique ability to share this practical experience
and to recreate the experience of Nithyananda, in every individual,
from top executives to rural farmers.
The simple, dynamic meditation techniques offered during his meditation
programs and his lucid understanding of practical issues enable
individuals to blossom at physical, emotional and spiritual levels.
Nithyanandaji has ordained meditation and yoga teachers around the
world. As per Swamiji ‘I am not here to give you words. I
am here to take you beyond words’.
Nithyanandaji has delivered corporate talks in Fortune 500 companies
around the world; these companies include Microsoft, Oracle, Petrobras
and others.
Swamiji is on a mission to re-establish the science of inner bliss
in every individual. Having a huge following of devotees and disciples
of all ages and from all walks of life, Nithyanandaji has established
over 1000 centers and 78 ashrams (spiritual laboratories) across
33 countries in a short span of 5 years. His mission statement is
"Transformation of humanity through transformation of the individual".
Nithyananda Meditation Academies worldwide serve as spiritual centers
where inner growth is profound and outer growth, incidental. These
academies are envisioned to be a place and space to explore and
explode, through a host of activities, from meditation to science.
They offer quantum spirituality, where material and spiritual worlds
merge and create blissful living; where creative intelligence stems
from deep consciousness. In the pipeline are many projects at the
various academies worldwide, as well as establishment of new academies,
to provide services in varied fields to humanity at large.
Free energy healing through the Nithya Spiritual Healing system,
free education to youth, encouragement to art and culture, satsangs
(spiritual gatherings), corporate programs, free medical camps and
eye surgeries, free meals at all ashrams worldwide, a one-year residential
spiritual training program in India, university course offerings
on spiritual science through IVHU, a holistic system of education
for children through the in-house Gurukul and many more such services
are offered around the world. Nithyanandaji thus offers guaranteed
solutions for the integrated growth and ultimate fulfillment of
the individual in all planes of life.
Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam offers education services from schooling
to a university degree, under the guidance of enlightened Master
Nithyananda. These include the loving and nurturing atmosphere of
the Nithyananda Gurukul, the free one-year residential program for
youth and the degree offerings in the rich Vedic sciences from International
Vedic Hindu University.
The University offers various certification programs, Graduation,
Masters and Doctorate degree programs in a broad spectrum of topics
related to Vedic traditions, language, enlightenment science, health
and healing, yoga, meditation and Indian fine arts in the form of
music and dance. The university aims to establish harmony among
eastern religious thoughts and modern sciences, thereby contributing
to better human understanding and global peace. Life Bliss Technology
is a one-year residential program, offered free to youth from around
the world to learn the inner science, ayurveda, yoga and various
sciences of the Vedic tradition in the beautiful ambience of the
spiritual laboratories called ashrams.
Nithyananda Gurukul provides a nurturing and encouraging atmosphere
for children to flower and express their unique individuality. There
is a 7-day residential program for children aged between 8 and 14.
It provides a unique opportunity for the children to develop their
creativity, spontaneity, sensitivity and connection with existence
through activities ranging from music and dance to creativity through
science including meditation techniques specially designed for children.
Gurukul is a loving and caring space for children to learn and grow.
Life at the Gurukul is as challenging as is joyful. It is a seat
of learning with a unique, incomparable blend of the traditional
Vedic system of education and a modern scientific approach. The
children grow to be integrated individuals, well learned, balanced,
and capable of facing the toughest challenges in life.
Swamiji, having understood the working of the human mind in great
depths, helps each individual actualize ones inherent potential.
His lucid explanation of practical issues and simple and dynamic
meditation techniques help individuals blossom at the physical,
emotional and spiritual levels. He provides scientific effective
solutions that capture the essence of ancient Vedic knowledge to
help one realize the same state of enlightenment that he had experienced.
He has ordained hundreds of teachers to teach various courses in
meditation and yoga and spread his message of personal transformation.
In addition to personal transformation, he has healed hundreds
of thousands of people all over the world from all kinds of illnesses
ranging from cancer to migraine. He has ordained ten thousand healers
who operate from different centers worldwide to provide free Nithya
spiritual healing, a powerful energy healing method that relieves
one from physical, emotional and spiritual energy blocks.
By offering Himself as a subject for research, Nithyanandaji works
with scientists across the globe to bridge the modern Western system
of logic and evidence-based science and the ancient Eastern system
of mysticism. Various studies, by eminent neurologists, on his brain
wave patterns while he is in meditation and during healing have
been published for a common intellectual to bridge the gap between
science and spirituality for the benefit of humanity.
Nithyananda’s passion for temples and idols, which started
at age 3, is now seen in the Nithyananda Vedic Temples all over
the world from Bidadi in the East to Los Angeles in the West. These
Vedic temples are sacred spaces where one can commune with existence
through the forms of the energized deities installed by the living
Master. Also, his love for ancient temple art forms took form of
Nithyananda Sacred Arts, which aims to propagate and preserve by
producing awe-inspiring sculptures and artwork.
Nithyanandaji is a master for everyone. He is multi-dimensional
and aims at making everyone who approaches him, realize all the
dimensions and live an all rounded life to realize the ultimate
goal – enlightenment. His ashrams across the world are spiritual
laboratories where his disciples experiment in the inner science,
in an atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth and under the loving
and compassionate eye of an enlightened master.
Life Bliss Foundation offers advanced meditation programs –
guaranteed solutions straight from the enlightened Master for the
sincere seekers looking for Self-realization.
As per Swamiji, each of us is searching for nothing but ananda
or bliss. However intellectual, however sophisticated may be the
terms in which we express it, we are all seeking bliss. Only the
ways we are searching for are different – through money, power,
relationships etc. The word ananda itself means, ‘that which
cannot be reduced’. It is not happiness or pleasure. It is
the state beyond both pleasure and pain, where both pleasure and
pain no longer affect you.
The straight and sure route to that bliss is meditation. When you
meditate, you go beyond the narrow limits of your body, of your
ego. This is a difficult concept to understand. But, with sincere
meditation, you can simply experience it.
Meditation relaxes the body and mind, bringing clarity of thought.
This helps you see life with a new perspective, and you start living
intensely and spontaneously. It is the guaranteed solution to your
stress, depression, worries, fears and all your negative emotions
that mask your true nature of bliss.
Meditation is just being blissful in the moment! When you are at
peace in the present moment, you are already in a state of meditation.
You don’t need to do anything else. Guaranteed solution for
physical and emotional problems
Meditation is the guaranteed and safe solution to handle physical,
emotional and psychological problems. There is no risk of side effects
of popping pills that play with chemical levels in the brain to
combat depression or to reduce stress.
Swamiji says meditation directly works on physical problems also.
Recent research shows that 80% of our physical problems have their
roots in the mind. They are psychosomatic problems rather than physical
problems. Meditation really relaxes, rejuvenates and re-invigorates
the mind, body and spirit. Intensely enjoying every moment, you
can look at any situation with a freshness, uninhibited by the failures
of the past yet learn in an unbiased way from the past experience.
You can enjoy every moment of life to the fullest through meditation,
which brings us into the awareness of the present. The present is
all that matters; not the history of the past, not the speculation
of the future. What matters is simply the truth of the certainty
of the present moment
Meditation is not just about closing the eyes. It is not about
not doing anything. It is not about controlling your thoughts. It
is really a very powerful means of creating awareness within oneself,
every moment. Awareness is neither suppression of thoughts nor fantasizing
and dreaming. It is a state beyond both. The directed awareness
enables one to be involved in any task with full focus and energy.
You can fully enjoy anything, whether it is as simple a task as
washing dishes or as complex as managing a billion-dollar company.
Meditation is not concentration, it is awareness. Concentration
is exclusive, awareness is inclusive. When you concentrate you shut
out everything else and focus your attention on one object. In awareness,
nothing is shut out, everything exists as is, and you continue to
keep your attention on one or more objects. When you concentrate
you are at tension, because your mind will be constantly struggling
to exclude some inputs. You may be trying to shut out the sounds
around you, you will be resisting the aroma of food cooking near
by or you will be fighting with yourself; this is not meditation.
As per Swamiji in meditation, you relax into awareness. You will
hear the sounds around you, you will smell the food near by; you
will acknowledge it but not be disturbed by it. To meditate is to
be aware, to be a witness. When you learn the art of meditating,
concentration can happen effortlessly, whenever you need it to happen.
Swamiji says, if you feel you don’t have time to meditate,
if you are too busy to make time for meditation, then you are the
person who needs meditation the most. He says we always give appointments
to everyone else except ourselves. Taking time to meditate is making
an appointment with yourself, and spending some time understanding
your own deeper needs. In our hectic modern day life, we tend to
spend all our time and energy in fulfilling the various roles we
play in our personal and professional lives.
As per Swamiji, we work hard to create and maintain our personality,
but we forget that there is an individual within us, who is beyond
all these roles. Our individuality is much more than our personality.
We forget that we are not just a parent or a spouse or a boss or
a friend. We are something much more than our relationships.
This disconnection with our own self is the direct cause of all
the stress, tension, worry, anxiety and depression we experience.
Meditation is the key that unlocks this door to our self and puts
us in touch with our self. With regular meditation you will find
that you can do the same things better, quicker, more efficiently,
in a more relaxed way, with more creativity and enthusiasm. Meditation
transforms you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Meditation is not a quantity to be added to your life, it is a quality
to be added to your consciousness.
Research shows that mediators experience very low levels of stress
and live a healthy and peaceful life. Meditation unleashes a natural
source of intelligence in you. The side effect of it is increased
productivity, improved interpersonal relationships, and much more.
Much scientific research had been done on meditation and its effects
and benefits.
Nithyanandaji himself has gladly participated in many research
studies on the brain and the effect of meditation and healing. To
name a few of the benefits one experiences on meditating regularly
and intensely are - improved physical health, mental wellness and
emotional well-being; guaranteed solutions for fear, worry, depression,
anxiety, jealousy and dissatisfaction; more fulfilling interpersonal
relationships at home and work improved productivity and performance
at work
enhanced creativity, clarity of perception; more energetic and enthusiastic,
reduced stress levels, inner relaxation, self-confidence, self-motivation
leading to motivating others automatically, increased concentration
and greater responsibility with ease; centering in oneself and solid
inner balance; increased intelligence quotient , emotional quotient,
spiritual quotient and spontaneity; actualizing one’s potential
and enjoying every moment of life.
Nithyanandaji has formulated a wide variety of techniques to enable
people to lead a healthy and blissful life. irrespective of country
or culture, he has guaranteed solutions for all kinds of individuals,
which include Nithya Yoga for body-mind-spirit and natural therapies
to restore physical health through natural means.
The quantum memory program is designed to increase the brainpower
multi-fold while the health and wellness program helps in cleansing
the body of accumulated toxins thereby awakening the body’s
intelligence to heal itself. The life bliss program level I helps
an individual to cleanse and energize the seven major charkas or
energy centers, which are mainly responsible for our physical and
mental health.
Yogam will continue until May with Swamiji delivering discourses
and conducting meditation workshops in 11 North American cities
and reaching out to thousands of individuals to provide guidance
and blessings.
