- It is very painful for me when I learnt about various false allegations framed against Paramahamsa Nithyananda swamiji which I totally disagree.
.....NRI Munish Mehta
- Swami
Nithyanandaji arrested, In April 2010, Nithyananda was arrested after failing to answer bail for criminal charges in regards to allegations arising after a video was released allegedly showing him in a compromising situation with a woman, broadcast on the Tamil television channel Sun News on 2 March 2010. This resulted in protests outside the Ashram during which a fire broke out. On March 4, Nithyananda made an application to a civil court in Chennai , seeking an injunction blocking further broadcasting of the video material.[
- Swami
Nithyanandaji to visit San Jose on May 6 and May 10
Pujya Swami Paramahamsa Nithyanandji blessed the Indian
American Community on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at the Excelsior
High School Auditorium and delivered a lecture on Yoga Sutra.or
March 24: Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda Back in Los Angeles
: On Wednesday, March 19, 2009, Paramahamsa
Nithyananda was enthusiastically welcomed back to the Vedic
Temple, Montclair by more than 700 visitors and devotees........Read
15, 2009 NRI Community Welcomes Swami Nithyanandji at LA
Community of Southern California have organized a grand
program, as a welcome to one of the Greatest Enlightened
Master of all-time ‘Param Pujya Guru Paramhamsa ...Read
The Continuous Happening
Los Angeles, Feb.04, 2009
Dilip Butani
Mention “yoga” and the images we may think of
are various physical postures. Many people seek out yoga for
its physical benefits, of which there are many. However, the
benefits of yoga reach far beyond the physical.
When it is practiced as it was originally designed, yoga
connects the practitioner with the direct experience of “peace”
and “bliss”. In introducing the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali
states: “yoga chitta vritti nirodah”. Translated,
this means yoga is the stopping of the mind.
The presence of mind is a major obstacle in preventing us
from experiencing who we truly are. Vivekananda says that
mind is a young monkey that is drunk and has been bitten by
scorpions. Mind is the source of confusion and dilemma in
our lives.
The practice of yoga – the stopping, or stilling of
the mind – allows us to experience the true reality
of who we are.
We allow the mind to enjoy far too much power. As long as
the mind is allowed this power, it is our master and we remain
the servant. As long as this situation remains, so does the
confusion and dilemma in our lives.
Swami Nithyananda has stated that Yoga is the uniting of
the body, mind and being – it is a continuous happening.
Yoga moves us from the periphery to the center of who we are.
This allows increased creativity, energy and intuition to
be expressed every moment in our lives.
More than two thousand years ago, Patanjali offered the keys
to stilling the mind in the various Yoga Sutras. Each sutra
contains practical techniques that can be applied in every
action, not just within the confines of a yoga studio.
Swami Nithyananda unveils the essence of Yoga over a number
of insightful discourses, presenting the Yoga Sutras as they
were originally intended by Patanjali during his spring tour,
Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an Enlightened Master who
is on a mission to re-establish the science of inner bliss
in every individual. He is one of the most watched spiritual
gurus on YouTube as declared by “Enlightenment”
magazine. His simple yet powerful explanations drive home
the message, touching hearts and transforming millions of
people worldwide.