Our Objectives

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Do you want to help bring light to someone's life?
Rural poor people who do not have access to qualitative Eye care service suffer from the problem of poverty and blindness. An estimated 2% of the population is blind due to cataract.

Countless patients, who could not afford eye care due to economic reasons, lack of awareness or simply due to lack of access to health services.

Objective of this project is to reach out to the poor people who cannot reach us and continue to live in a state of needless blindness. Our eye care service includ:

Before going to set up the date for the camps, we contact the sub specialities of the hospital are the Cornea and Lasik Clinic, Glaucoma clinic, Vitreo-Retina department, Occuloplasty department, Vision Rehabilitation & Enhancement centre and Contact lens clinic.

You could also partner with us to change lives of the poor people in India!
1. Prevention of blindness- Eye Camp
2. To achieve the goal of reducing Illicit drugs used by young people
3. Financial Help:
a) Scholarship for poor Students
b) Wedding of poor girls