Indianapolis, Indiana USA, May 19, 2009
Kanwal Prakash Singh
For the second year in row, the Nationalities Council of Indiana
(NCI) was invited by The 500- Festival Associates to participate
in the nationally-televised 500-Festival Parade. The annual Parade
is one of the highlights of the month of May in Indianapolis as
the last major event before the 500-Mile Race, often promoted as
“the greatest spectacle in racing.”
This year’s NCI Parade Unit of some 200 participants represented
eleven nationalities and ethnic groups: Chinese, Asian Indian, Turkish,
Iranian, Filipino, Brazilian, Ethiopian, Hawaiian, and Sikhs. The
NCI Parade Unit was a colorful and spirited composite of immigrant
and native-born people who call Indiana home. The Parade participants
wore ethnic festive attires, colorful native dresses that represented
national or regional styles and pride. The NCI Parade Unit was led
by Chinese Americans who paraded large colorful Chinese Dragons
and Lions. The Dragon and Lion Dances at several stops along the
2-Mile Parade route were a crowd pleaser. An estimated 300,000 spectators
lined the Parade route.
For the first time, Hoosier Sikhs were invited by the NCI to participate
in The 500-Festival Parade. The Hoosier Sikh men in their colorful
turbans, brocaded kurta-pyjama costumes and women in their Punjabi
salwar-kameez and colorful scarves draped across their shoulders
proudly walked the distance with their heads held high. Along the
way, with a sense of pride and excitement of the moment, the Sikhs
joyously shouted a few loud traditional proclamations, “Jakaras.”
We imagined a time in the future when there would be a large presence
of Sikhs and other ethnic communities along the Parade route to
respond to such proclamations in acclamation. The ethnic dresses
of the NCI Unit must have drawn their share of attention, but the
Sikh turbans were hard to miss.
The 500-Festival Parade had over 100 colorful floats, massive helium
theme-balloons, flags and banners, celebrated high school bands
from around the country, 33-qualified Race Drivers, many Hollywood
celebrities, and several national and international dignitaries.
The NCI Parade Unit was a colorful composite of nationalities, ethnicities,
cultures and costumes, continents and communities. Many of these
Americans from distant and diverse lands were being introduced to
the Hoosiers (a term that refers to Indiana residents), and for
that matter to the audiences across the viewing area, for the very
first time. Racing is the main focus and may be the undisputed anchor
and attraction, but a sea of color, youthful energy, rocking and
colorful bands, patriotic symbols and enthusiastic crowds, the world’s
fastest Race Drivers and 500-Princesses, and antique cars and exotic
rides are the true visual magic and heart of the Parade.
Reflection: I returned from this fabulous experience thinking how
much more fun it is to be a part of a beautiful organized parade
than to be a spectator. I also felt that it was generous of the
500-Festival Associates to invite people from diverse cultures to
be a part of something so grand and rich with pomp and ceremony.
I was grateful to the Nationalities Council of Indiana
President, Allen Galloway, and NCI Parade Unit Co-ordinator, Pat
Hubley, for their generosity to invite the Sikh Americans to be
a part of this year’s Parade Unit and to Maninder Singh Walia
for organizing the Sikh participants. I was proud of the Hoosier
Sikhs and all other groups for the positive spirit, cultural heritage,
unbound energy, and personal dignity that they brought to this effort.
Indiana’s growing diversity is securing its place and discovering
new friends. That is cause for celebration and reason to work harder
at new opportunities that come along next time.
