Angeles NRIs Host dinner for Bhatti,
M.L.A.of Punjab
Los Angeles, September 18, 2008
Swaran Dabgotra
Today evening some members of the NRI community hosted a dinner
for S. Ajaib Singh Bhatti, M.L.A., Nathana, Dist. Bathinda, Punjab,
India. He was here on a pleasure trip and visited New York, New
Jersey, Washington and some other cities in USA. The dinner was
at Diamond Place Cuisine of India. It was Mr. Lalli Sandhu who
was instrumental in convincing him to come to Los Angels.

Mr. Swaran S. Dabgotra introduced Mr. Bhatti and said that he
is a very bright and learned person. Mr. Bhatti completed his
B.A, B.Ed in 1971 and within one year he completed his Masters
degree. He entered into Government during 1985 and gradually enterd
into politics
Mr. Bhatti spoke for about half an hour and said that he is not
here on business but came here to meet some friends. But he did
explained what the Government of Punjab is doing to improve the
problems of the farmers, clean water supply and power etc.
After he spoke some member asked some questions regarding NRI
problems and marriage dowery. He explained about improvements
in dowery cases. He also assured that any NRI comes there and
have any issue, please can cantact me direct and he will do his
best to help and try to solve the problems.
The dinner was sponserd by Nachhattart Singh Bhullar and Ruashpal
Singh Rana. The event was a great success and lasted for about
four hours.