Singh Khaira to visit USA to get support from NRIs in Punjab elections 2017
- AAP leader Sukhpal Singh Khaira is now party’s spokesperson for Punjab from March 25, 2016- The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has appointed former MLA Sukhpal Singh Khaira as its spokesperson for Punjab. Khaira, who left the Congress recently to join the AAP, has been vehemently opposing the policies of the Badal government. His appointment has been approved by party convener Arvind Kejriwal.
Sukhpal Khaira joins AAP: Chandigarh, December 25, 2015: Sukhpal Singh Khaira, MLA from Bholath, District Kapurthala, Punjab in 2007"..........READ
Request for a judicial inquiry into the lapses of preferential treatment to the convicts of Harpreet murder case and their transfer to a jail outside Punjab.........................READ.
- Sep. 21: Congress condemns biased and politically motivated usage of financial discretionary powers by CM and Dy. C.M.//--Sep. 09: I was surprised to read a statement of Bibi Jagir Kaur today//--Sep. 04: SAD and Mr. Badal owe an explanation to Sikh masses
- Aug 30, 2011- Complaint against illegitimate orders passed by DGP security .........READ
New York: Dec. 30:Warm reception for Sukhpal Khaira MLA Bholath by Indian National Overseas Congress at New York .
Dec. 20: Punjab Cong MLA Khaira to meet with NRI Community leaders in USA- Sukhpal Singh Khaira, Punjab Cong MLA, arrived in New York on Dec. 21, 2010 for one month trip .
Dec. 17: Congress urges Governor Punjab to immediately dismiss Sukhbir Badal Dy. CM from Council of Ministers, for exercising extra constitutional authority, t
- The Congress sounds the arrival of new mughals
in Punjab calls for their crushing defeat///---
- Request to take up the issue of discrimination against
Sikhs by the U.S Army, with the United States Govt.
at the highest level.
- After withdrawl of Congress ticket to Sh. Jagdish
Tytler and Sh. Sajjan Kumar your turn to prove credentials
by suspending Sh. Sumedh Saini IPS ...
- Deletion of name from Black list and Union War book
of S. Daljit Singh s/o S. Ghasita Singh Lubana Sikh
R/o V. Baagwanpur P.S Bholath ..........
- Misuse of print media to spread hate and incite passions
on community lines by Bibi Jagir Kaur Ex- MLA ....Read
Jan -Feb
Punjab Govt. has not a penny to invest in these projects-
yet the ads issued are at the cost of Govt.
Congress party strongly condemns these unethical measures