To protect our independence and safeguard press freedom, we are not running advertisement on home page of 

  • Freedom of expression is a universal human right and we as NRIs resists any special controls on the press.

  • We value our independence and ability to provide unbiased articles and news. Like Wikipedia and MPR, we keep our network political advertisement free.

  • NRI People like News Websites without advertisements and we have ability to provide unbiased articles and news.

It takes a lot of resources to keep running as it is a large website with many articles. The Database is our goldmine and we do what we must to make sure it runs fast for all of our readers.

NRI Business Directory: In today’s world, networking is a necessity. In almost every city around the world local Community networks and business networking groups-exist.

  • NRI Business Owners can become members under NRI Business Directory by sponsor news to get referral program. ....Click

  • We survive on sponsorship News programs for technology related costs.

