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Italian Police Rescued 33 Indians

Italian Police Rescued 33 Indian farm workers from forced
labor conditions in Italy

Los Angeles/July 13, 2024 Singh

Italian authorities announced on Saturday that they had liberated 33 Indian farm laborers from slave-like conditions in the northern province of Verona. Nearly half a million euros ($545,300) were seized from their two alleged exploiters.

Labor exploitation has gained attention in Italy, especially following a tragic incident in June when an Indian fruit picker died after his arm was severed by machinery. In the most recent case, police revealed that the alleged gang-masters, also from India, lured their compatriots to Italy on seasonal work permits, demanding 17,000 euros from each with promises of a better future.

Upon arrival, the migrants were employed in farm jobs, working seven days a week for 10-12 hours a day, earning just 4 euros per hour. This wage was entirely withheld until their debts were settled. Police described the treatment of the migrants as "slavery."

Additionally, some laborers were coerced into working for free to pay an extra 13,000 euros for a permanent work permit, which, in reality, was never intended to be provided. The alleged exploiters now face charges related to slavery and labor exploitation. The victims will receive protection, work opportunities, and legal residency papers.

Italy, like many other European countries, faces labor shortages often filled by immigrants, especially in lower-paid jobs. The migrant work visa system has seen instances of fraud. Labor law violations are also a significant issue. According to 2021 data from the national statistics office Istat, about 11% of Italian workers were employed illegally, with the figure rising to more than 23% in agriculture.


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