NRI Doctor "Dharmesh Patel" Tesla Cliff Plunge: Psychotic Break Revealed

Los Angeles/Apr 29, 2024 Singh
Accused of driving his family off a cliff, Dharmesh Patel, a radiologist from Pasadena, California, may have experienced a psychotic break, doctors testified at his trial. Patel faces three attempted murder charges for the incident last January, with his wife and two children inside. He has pleaded not guilty and seeks admission to a mental health program, which, if granted, could lead to dropped charges upon completion.
Testimony suggests Patel was delusional, fearing his children could be trafficked like victims of Jeffrey Epstein's ring. Delusions also involved Russia's Ukraine war and the fentanyl crisis. Prosecutors argue Patel has schizoaffective disorder, opposing his admission to the program, citing lack of oversight. The judge's decision is pending.
The incident on January 2, 2023, left the family hospitalized but miraculously alive after their Tesla plunged down a cliff. Witnesses and video footage led to Patel's attempted murder charges, though his wife later expressed reluctance for him to face charges.
Dharmesh Patel's Family after Crashing down :

Patel, a graduate of Wayne State University School of Medicine, had worked as a radiologist for over a decade. According to an online profile, Patel had been practicing medicine for more than ten years before the crash.
The crash scene was described as harrowing, with the Tesla flipping several times before landing on its wheels and becoming wedged against the cliff just meters from the ocean. All four family members were hospitalized in critical condition, with the two children rescued through the car's back window. Mr. Patel and his wife suffered more traumatic injuries than their children.
Mr. Patel's wife, Neha Patel, also conveyed distressing statements to paramedics after the crash, suggesting Patel had intentionally driven off the cliff. However, she later expressed a desire to retract those statements and refrain from pressing charges against her husband, according to Mr. Patel's defense attorney.
As the trial unfolds, the complex interplay of mental health, legal proceedings, and personal tragedy continues to captivate public attention and underscores the need for comprehensive mental health support and understanding within society.
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