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  Veera Mahajan


Would you like a glass of water?.....or 6?
By Veera Mahajan
Michigan, USA

Do you know that your body is made up of mostly water? Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood and 70% of your muscle is water. Every cell in your body needs water to live.

Water works all day to keep you healthy. It helps remove the dangerous toxins from your body taken in from the air, food, medicines and other skin care or cleaning products you use. It carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells. Water also helps regulate your body temperature.

I urge you to drink the recommend amount of water which is: 6-8, 8 ounce glasses per day. Actual amount of water needed for different individuals may vary though. A general rule of thumb is to drink approximately half your body weight (pounds), in ounces of water. So for example if you weigh 120 pounds, you need to drink 60 ounces of water or roughly 8 glasses of water. Please do not regularly substitute other fluids like coffee, tea or colas for water because they have other caffeine related side effects. If you are an athlete, sports drink might be a good substitute.

Dehydration (lack of water) can cause:

-Constipation - water helps keep your metabolism working properly
-Urinary tract infections
-Dry skin
-Joint pains - water helps cushion your joints.
-Muscle pain -Water helps flush out the toxins that cause muscle pain
-Short-term memory loss

Drinking water helps eliminate the above problems and it also reduces the risk of colon and bladder cancer.

A glass of water can also help reduce mid-night snacking for dieters and a couple of glasses after alcoholic beverages will save you from the possible hangover and dehydration caused by consuming spirits.

Too much of anything (even water) is bad for you

While dehydration causes problems, over hydration can cause even worse problem called hyponatremia. Sometimes athletes or fitness oriented people can drink too much water. Hyponatremia or water intoxication can cause low sodium by diluting the sodium level in your body. In the most serious cases this can cause swelling of the brain which could cause seizures and other serious complications. Stop drinking if you start getting a queasy or slushy feeling in your stomach.

Remember that hyponatremia is a rare condition. Most common symptoms are:

-Weight gain
-Bloating and/or swelling
-Seizures (severe cases)
-Coma (severe cases)

If you have any of the above symptoms and you know you might be consuming too many fluids, please stop drinking and consult your doctor.

Don't forget water and have a healthy active day!!


Writer of this article can be reached.
