Nithya Yoga
Los Angeles, Feb 12, 2008
Dilip Butani
On Saturday, February 7, 2009, the Vedic Temple of Montclair hosted
a special “Yoga Open House” as part of the Yogam Tour.
During the open house, visitors were introduced to simple yet unique
concepts of Nithya Yoga.
Ma Maneesha, senior yoga acharya of the Nithya Yoga Foundation,
gave an engaging talk on Nithya Yoga, the form of yoga cognized
by Paramhamsa Nithyananda. Ma Maneesha explained the practice and
benefits of Nithya Yoga to an audience a diverse ages and backgrounds.
Ma Maneesha explained how Nithya Yoga is a scientific technique
for each individual to create a vibrant silence and to carry this
vibrant silence throughout the day, a silence that radiates peace
and bliss. This vibrant silence, says Ma Maneesha, is the truth
of who we are.
The “gift of Nithyananda” she explained, is that he
has “combined the philosophy with the experience and has given
a technique that works for every individual. ” This is the
ancient science of Patanjali, in its truest form.
As described by Ma Maneesha during the talk, our mind and thoughts
create our body. “Whenever you make movement with intention,
this intention is recorded in muscle memory.” Through the
practice of Nithya Yoga, and the combination of meditation, movement
and intention, a signature tune of a sweet melody you will carry
with you throughout the day.
This concept is supported by recent scientific research, such as
the groundbreaking work done by Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former medical
school professor and research scientist.
In his book “Biology of Belief”, Dr Lipton describes
how DNA is controlled by extra-cellular signals, including the energetic
messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. By retraining
our minds to create healthy beliefs, we can change the physiology
of our trillion-celled bodies.
Through use of meditation, movement, and intention, Nithya Yoga
is a way to tune ourselves with silence and peace she called a “bliss
feeling” and experience a deep sense of well-being within
ourselves and in our lives.
The 90-min practice, she said, sets the “signature tune”
that will carry with you throughout the day because it is done through
a combination of techniques, including intention combined with movement
which creates a body memory for bliss.
Nithya Yoga begins with practice of the “Life Bliss Meditation”
followed by setting the intention for bliss followed by asanas (physical
postures), pranayam, and finally a body gratitude meditation
Nithyananda is a young Enlightened Master, barely 31, bestowed
with the ageless wisdom of existential truth. He was born and raised
in Thiruvannamalai in the foothills of the Arunachala Hills of Southern
India, home and incubator to countless masters including Bhagavan
Ramana Maharishi. From the age of three, Nithyananda learned the
science of Yoga from a master of the Patanjali lineage.
Come experience Yoga and enlightenment from the Master of Masters,
