Tiger Ali Singh returned to wrestling, Interview by the Score
Toronto, May 30, 2010
Tiger Ali Singh, the son of legendary wrestler Tiger Jeet Singh, returned to wrestling as a part of the HUSTLE promotion in Japan. In 1997, he signed with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and won the second WWF Kuwait Cup Tournament, held on April 9, 1997 in Kuwait City. He defeated Owen Hart in the finals to become the second and final WWF Kuwait Cup winner.
Ali Singh filed a $7 million lawsuit against the World Wrestling Federation and his claims were that his career-ending because:
- Injury was the result of being forced to wrestle in the rain while in Puerto Rico.
- He also accused other WWF wrestlers of frequently calling him "taxi driver", and that he was the victim of a stunt in 1999 where his turban was stuffed with garbage.
WWE countered by noting that the company was not responsible for any injuries occurring in a different organization, and that Singh's contract could legally be ended if he suffered an injury.
