We identify with, pay tribute to, preserve, recreate, and
celebrate our heritage (what has been; what we inherited)
in many diverse and unique ways:
Through the ARTS:
Through CULTURE:
Shaped by history, geography, events, societal mores, cultural
influences, experiences
Study of cultural, ethnic, generational, records, responses,
and experiences;
Enterprise, pioneering and visionary spirit, passions, distinct
The successful ideas, people, institutions, we look up to
with admiration, pride;
Those we must convince to assist, promote, and thoughtfully
in creating a rightful place
for the unique and diverse spectrums of our heritage;
Outstanding artistic and cultural manifestations, spiritual
Special resources, assets, major and transforming attractions,
as an invaluable community, national, world heritage.
To realize and advance such a vision for our precious,
cherished, heritage:
We need to challenge ourselves to the seriousness of this
cause; clearly define the special place of our heritage
in the larger tapestry of rich heritages that today grace
the national cultural landscape. We must make personal commitments
and room for heritage in our study and priorities before
we would be able to attract the attention of others to this
vital resource. There is an unmistakable relation between
our own support, pride, and passion about an idea and our
ability to inspire others. Setting the right example, making
the right noise may attract the right attention; carefully
presented ideas may bring unexpected interest; and coordinated
networking may produce undreamed-of results in time.
Just imagine:
* The film “The Gold Bracelet” nominated/winning
the Golden Globe or an Oscar
* Gurinder Chadha’s Films achieving new heights of
global fame and acclaim
* Dya Singh Music Concert at the Governor’s Mansion
or The White House
* KP Singh and the Singh Sisters art finding a place in
national museums, collections
* A Sikh American philanthropist and cultural ambassador
invited to serve on the Board
of National Endowment for the Arts
* Smithsonian Institution seriously considering the idea
of a National Museum of Sikh
Heritage within the next two decades; may be before the
Sikh American population
reaches one million.
Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the eminent philosopher and
former President of India, once wrote, “Ideas move
the world; thought precedes action.” I came across
recently a reminder: wonderful ideas are great, but “something
needs to be done about them.”
That is where we all come in; those inside this glittering
hall and those outside; all who have similar perspectives
and commitment to heritage and culture. We must be dedicated
pioneers; wear our brightest thinking turbans, our traditional
daring spirit, and let our imagination and innovative pride
tirelessly strive, compete, and create the impossible. Let
us be the frontline of the global Holla Mohalla of ideas,
achievements, and excel in unimagined endeavors, keeping
our heart and spirit at the Lotus Feet of Sutguru, and win
blessings, honor from our Guru, countries of origin, and
nations that are our new “home.”
We must assure the place of our history, popular folklore,
cherished spiritual and cultural connections, and creative
heritage amidst the transcending frontiers and emerging
global culture. United States, with the convergence of many
ethnic, cultural, and faith communities symbolizes an ultimate
experiment in international living; is engaged in discovering
and shaping a common destiny for her 300 million citizens.
From here, the message has been going forth to distant lands
that diverse and distinct faiths, cultures, people, and
experiences can, and must work together for the betterment
of man. This represents a tribute to our shared humanity;
we all have a special stake in this effort.
Towards this end, let us place seva ( well-being of others)
ahead of our private spiritual ideas, institutions, and
associations, remembering and meditating upon the Sikh sacred
commandment that: “God is Love. To love God is to
love all His Creation. Every act of service is an offering
to God.” Let us place our cultural legacy, endangered
or neglected priceless heritage, ahead of the ordinary,
expedient, and limited-value investments.
Our heritage deserves careful nurturing and understanding;
it is a living and evolving entity. We must identify the
significant, unique, and charming facets of our heritage
before we can seriously talk about preserving, restoring,
and transplanting our rich legacy in our new environment.
We need to research the relevant landmarks, artifacts, and
associations with the principal architects of our faith,
culture, and creativity and protect them from reckless and
expedient “renovations” at the hands of zealous
guardians of priceless treasures and allow them to be lost
forever. Then we must apply the latest technology and preservation
techniques available to retrieve as much detail and information
as possible. This must be a non-negotiable urgency. The
Sikh Heritage Complex at Anandpur Sahib, The Sikh Exhibit
at the Smithsonian, and Rubin Art Museum are outstanding
efforts at “showcasing” Sikh heritage. The leaders
responsible for these unique and lasting gifts to the world
must be commended for their vision.
We are the fortunate connecting bridge to our fathers,
our past, guardians of our heritage. We must prevent its
destruction by neglect, shortsightedness or by design. Great
ideas demand sacrifices, need a sense of urgency to safeguard
the fragile and vanishing symbols and traditions, and thoughtful
investments in time and energy to secure their rightful
place in the future fabric of our national and global cultures.
Much is possible! Just look around the Jewish Holocaust
Museum and the Museum of Native American Indian in the nation’s
capitol. Then imagine a Museum of Sikh Heritage for the
Western Hemisphere in Los Angeles. It is a big dream. The
Native American Indian weaves awesome “dream-catchers.”
It is an artistic creation, a symbol, a living reminder.
We can all be dream-catchers, dream-shapers. We will need
the will and prayers, vision and friends in and outside
our communities as guides and mentors.
Why should we care? We should care because we are people
with a glorious history and guardians of ancient knowledge.
We come from a soil that has been an important frontier
and gateway to Indian civilization, witness to “winds
of culture,” each leaving its own deep imprint on
the arts, culture, and our spirit. We are hardworking, patriotic,
and daring pioneers and bring a proud record of unmatched
achievements. We love life, color, and fun. We have a faith
that offers a universal message of equality, justice, human
dignity, and goodwill towards all. We have an important
story to tell; create an honored place to “showcase”
our heritage.
We should care because our heritage is a mirror to our
humanity, journey, connections with cultures and civilizations
past, present, and future. Our heritage is a window to our
soul; our life-breath without which we cannot survive. Our
heritage is a rich source of
inspirations that have the power to transform; instill in
us pride; offer us unique sounds, images, cultural and spiritual
echoes; introduce us to embellishments, icons, myriad interpretations
and manifestations that thread us into the universal language
of mankind.
Every image, sacred and inspiring thought, and design detail
in the 2007 Sikhpoint.com Interfaith Calendar reminds us
of our important challenge and responsibility. My art is
simple, direct, and with a message that the magnificent
architectural landmarks are a vital component of our heritage.
Architecture is much more than the size, shape, design style,
materials and treatment. Architecture is a celebration of
life, spirit, arts, inspirations, and imagination. Architecture
is the enclosure and laboratory where great ideas and giants
of human civilization have engaged in endeavors to serve,
enlighten, and uplift man towards the ultimate breathtaking
temporal experiences, where arts and sciences combine to
create wonders, solve mysteries, and imagine the unfathomable.
Our historic and sacred sites offer reflections and lesson
that are an important source of knowledge and wisdom; their
careful preservation, restoration, and integration into
our aesthetic, cultural, and societal fabric must be an
important and sustained passion and commitment.
Man is looking towards the heavens as his next frontier
of conquest. Here on earth, let us build bridges that help
to unify, interface, and honor our many faiths, cultures,
and ethnic origins and walk towards each other in friendship.
Then build new gathering places:
we experience our cherished freedoms, heritage, and humanity
As fellow Americans, as citizens of one world;
Where language, culture, origin, gender, and faith-identity
Serve not as an obstacle or unwelcome challenge, but a cause
for celebration.
Where the rights and dignity of each human being is a sacred
True spirit of Faith and Hope is Service;
Our heritage, a legacy that provides an anchor for Peace;
Each of us engaged in making such promising reality, a universal
Kanwal Prakash “KP” Singh
Indianapolis, Indiana USA