An Event Report and Reflections
Kanwal Prakash “KP” Singh
Nearly one hundred people representing many diverse areas and leadership
of the central Indiana community - educators, civic and community
leaders, international organizations, and members of the Sikh American
community gathered recently at the India Garden Restaurant in Downtown
Indianapolis for a program sponsored by the Central Indiana Community
Foundation (CICF). The CICF Forum: Uncommon Common Ground III spotlighted
the faith and fabric of the growing Sikh American community in the
Hoosier Land. The Sikh Educational & Cultural Society of Indianapolis
co-sponsored the Forum.
A section of the audience
Program included a panel format, discussion, question-answer period,
and time to visit and connect with one another during the refreshments
and see a mini display. The underlying spirit that guided the program
was education and information; sharing about a faith, culture, and
community that is unfamiliar to most Hoosiers. The highlights of
the presentation included: A brief introduction by Ralph Taylor,
Program Officer, CICF.
A power-point slide presentation by Harpreet Sandhu, President
of the Sikh Educational & Cultural Society, provided a comprehensive
overview in visual images and text: WHO ARE THE SIKHS. Some in the
audience were surprised to learn that Sikhism, the fifth largest
faith has over 750,000 Sikh Americans in the U.S.A. and 25 million
Jaswinder tying a turban on Ralph Taylor, KP Singh un the background
Maninder Walia, Trustee of the Sikh Educational & Cultural
Society, offered a brief COMMUNITY PROFILE of the Sikh Americans
in the Hoosier Land: over one thousand families scattered throughout
Marion, Johnson, and Hendricks counties alone, pursuing diverse
occupations, professions, and owning 100 businesses. Two Sikh Temples
serve the area. An estimated 200 students attend central Indiana
schools and at least 50 students attend Indiana colleges. The metropolitan
area has seen major growth in Asian population in recent years and
we can anticipate continued growth in Sikh population and their
increasing contribution to the Central Indiana economy and opportunities.
The beautiful DVD, “The Sikh Next Door,” introduced,
to many for the very first time, the major faith-related concerns
of young students to maintain the sacred articles of their Sikh
faith including turbans and beards. The DVD highlighted the many
problems of mistaken
identity, harassment, and unfair association with the terrorists
faced by students in schools, neighborhoods, and on the streets
of America.
Navdeep Singh with Ralph Taylor
The STUDENT CONCERNS were further elaborated by Navdeep Singh,
a senior at a local high school, who until recently attended school
without his turban, uncut hair and beard because it was a problem
for him at his school. He and others are indignant that in this
age of communication and talk of sacred and human rights that one
has to violate one’s faith tenants because of the ignorance,
prejudice, and personal attacks by students or society. Navdeep
proudly add that recently he decided to keep his hair and wear his
turban as an honor to his Sikh faith and that his fellow students
and friends accept his turban and beard as no threat and cause for
undue concern or attention.
Maninder Walia, June Kiyomoto, and Ralph Taylor
That should be our goal to strive toward as a society. Janice Singh,
a School Teacher at Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School, while highlighting
the EDUCATIONAL & CULTURAL PROFILE passionately reminded the
audience that in an interdependent and increasingly multi-cultural
world, we must not allow assault on anyone’s cultural and
ethnic origin or prejudice against someone’s faith-mandated
appearance and dignity in the classroom or in society. She strongly
advocated and challenged the audience to learn about, and from each
other, reminding, “Every bigot was once a child free of prejudice,”
adding we must create that environment at home and in school to
make learning a pleasant and safe experience for every child. Each
of us can and must contribute toward dispelling ignorance and reach
out to the person next to us in a spirit of equality, justice, all-important
basic dignity, and mutual respect. The teacher in her was giving
each of us a lesson that respect for diversity must be a sacred
Juana Watson, Office of Indiana Governor
KP Singh served as the Forum Moderator. KP is an architectural
artist, author, a passionate advocate of historic architecture and
cultural preservation. KP is an active participant in multi-cultural,
interfaith, and international dialogues and activities. While highlighting
MAJOR CONCERNS SINCE 9/11 that have, and continue to cause many
untoward incidents in job discrimination, racial profiling, unprovoked
violence, and hate crimes. KP continued to stress that our ignorance,
indifference, and disinterest to fully engage with people of other
faiths, traditions, and cultures that live among us and integral
part of our society, remains an unconscionable challenge that we
must together confront and address. When entire communities unfairly,
and without sufficient cause, become targets of unfounded
Ralph Taylor with turban, CICF Forum organizer
suspicion and association with terrorism or despicable characters
like Osama bin Laden, the hateful Taliban or radical Muslims advocating
murder or mayhem, it is not just up to the Sikh Americans, Middle
Eastern Muslims, and Arab Americans to correct this unfortunate
situation and formidable burden. Governments, educators, business
and civic leadership, faith communities, and every citizen has a
responsibility to contribute to an environment that is safe for
all citizens engaged in shaping their dreams and helping us in building
peace and prosperity at home and abroad.
The SIKH AMERICANS IN THE HOOSIER LAND Forum was organized and
guided by Ralph Taylor of Central Indiana Community Foundation.
The Forum Planning Committee members included: Harpreet Sandhu,
Maninder Walia, Narvinder Bhola, Ravi Chaudhary, Avtar Singh, Sonya
Gill, Sukhdip Singh, Jaswinder Singh, Daisy Shaunki, Navdeep Singh,
KP Singh, and several volunteers
The process of knowing our neighbor and fellow Hoosier needs to
go much further. We must explore special cultural needs and faith-related
concerns as they apply to healthcare, death and cremation issues,
caring for their elderly, and matters that surround the mainstreaming
of resources, energy, culture, and investments of the new pioneer
among us. We should look to a future and envision a time when we
will span new innovative bridges of incredible promise and walk
towards each other in friendship and trust; fully recognize and
integrate the light and wisdom of transcending and converging cultures
and people into the existing founding principles and enlightened
ideals. We can take this country to even greater strengths and achievements
and build upon the foundations laid by generations before us. We
can create a shining humanitarian model, a universal edifice of
hope, where, not the shocking and awesome, but basic human dignity
and promise is a solemn commitment and common denominator; where
no fellow Americans is treated as a stranger or as an alien without
a just cause.
Each forum, dialogue, and presentation that brings people together
is another step in the right direction to know our community and
its changing cultural and ethnic texture. We are certain that at
the CICF Forum we defined the Sikh American challenge before some
thoughtful and caring participants and Indianapolis community leaders.
We made some strides towards the
objective of creating awareness about the Hoosier Sikh as they
strive and struggle, especially since 9/11, to mainstream their
talents, pioneer energy, and diverse investments in central Indiana.
Major work of acceptance, dispelling stereotype unfounded perceptions,
continued racial profiling, job discrimination based on faith-mandated
physical appearance, outrageous and unfair connection with terrorists,
and challenges of children with distinct physical appearance in
Indiana school lie ahead and remain among major hurdles that we
must overcome.
As Sikh Americans, we have to carry our share of burdens. We have
a responsibility to interface our interests with the community-at-large
and spotlight our story of service to this nation for over one hundred
years. We have to learn about great Sikh Americans: Congressman
Dalip Singh Saund and Dr. Narinder Singh Kapany (Father of Fiber
Optics) and countless innovative Sikh men and women making landmark
contribution in arts, agriculture, education, internet technology,
medicine, science, service industry, and a host of other fields,
and to the life and spirit in America and around the world.
To anticipate a tangible outcome, we must be on the frontline of
promising initiatives that benefit all Americans. We must be a part
of the community and let the community see us as partners and builders,
as Hoosiers and fellow Americans. We must proudly place our collective
well-being ahead of our personal dreams and expectations. We must
learn about the society: basic laws, civic freedoms and responsibilities,
and leadership skills in effecting peaceful change. We must make
our culture and traditions a part of a national cultural tapestry.
We must be a part of the solutions to problems that we face as a
nation and as people. In the exercise our individual rights and
freedoms, let us make certain that we threaten no one else’s
and earn our rightful place in our communities the old fashioned
way - through hard work, sacrifice, daring, imagination, and dedication,
as all the generations before us.
In this journey, each event and milestone is another beginning
and deserves yet another effort. We thank our many Hoosier friends
who daily help us to make Indiana a home away from home as we set
down our heart, hopes, and spirit here in search of our destiny.
Kanwal Prakash “KP” Singh
Indianapolis, Indiana USA