Over 500 NRI Senior citizens enjoy Kavi Sammelan at LA
Los Angeles, June 06, 2012
Vasu Pawar/ Gary Singh/ Dave's Team
What a wonderful thought someone had in mind to cater to the Senior Citizens of NRI-India. This is one area, that depresses the mind of every son or daughter that is left with older parents and is unable to take care of them as efficiently and as per our culture and heritage. The parents are also aware that their beloved children also struggle in life, through jobs, family issues or other crisis that hit their door step, however the Senior Citizen Issue cannot be ignored and something has to be done about their security, safety, happiness and well being. (Left to Right) Abhinav Shukla, Ashok Desai. Kamal Desai, Ramesh Raval, Ramjibhai Patel, Vagish Dinkar .Jaspal Singh Maju, Mahesh Dube,Chiman Adial, Nagin Tailor, Mohan Dadlani, Malika Panchal, Ram Singania, Dr. Manorama Sharma , Jagdish Purohit
Inspired by these thoughts, Ramjibhai Patel and Anil Parekh, the founders of IASH, put this project together wholeheartedly, encouraged others to join hands with them to actually bring this project to fusion and motivate others to bring awareness of this fabulous task in the community. IASH now has close to 1,000 members who devote their time and efforts to cater to the needs of the Senior Citizens.

We must recognize the Executive Committee Members & Board of Directors of IASH who have done an outstanding job and devoted a tremendous amount of their valuable time for the service of the Senior Citizens and IASH.
President - Chiman Adial, Vice President - Mohan Dadlani, Secretary - Jaspal Singh, Treasurer - Naginbhai Tailor, Joint Treasurer - Mallikaben Panchal, Public Relations - Ramjibhai Patel & Rameshbhai Raval. The committee at Large - Jayeshbhai Patel, Jagdishbhai Purohit, Ramnikbhai Chowhan, Harshadbhai Mehta, Kamal Desai, Subhash Desai, Ram Singhania and Ashok Desai.
NRIpress.com interviewed some of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee members, Chiman Adial (President), Ramjibhai Patel (Program Director), Jaspal Singh (Secretary). We were able to gather from the interview that IASH is an organization that is determined to devote their time and efforts to the Senior Citizens. This organization is for 50+ seniors who get a chance to associate with other seniors, Watch movies, Play cards or Board Games, Watch Videos, or just exchange views or chat. There are vacation trips, movie nights and picnics also organized by IASH to bring happiness to the Senior Citizens and make their lives worth living.
Another important aspect which IASH has addressed is Medical, Dental & Vision Check-up periodically, to bring awareness to health issues. They also organize, Outings and Events for senior citizens to educate them in all areas like health, computers, immigration etc.
As expressed from the heart by Chiman Adial, Ramhibhai Patel and Jaspalji Singh, it is their vision to have their own facility, a ‘Senior Citizen Center’ to cater to the entertainment, and care of the Senior Citizens. A project of such intensity and vision is in the making and will possibly rise to crescendo within 5 years. The organization appreciates the support of many well known personalities like Dr. Nitin Shah and Dr. Avadesh Agarwal who have been kind enough to support and contribute to this important cause.
IASH organizes two events each year, Diwali Festival and Kavi Sammelan.
This year IASH organized the “KAVI SAMMELAN” at the Jain Center inBuena Park, California on June 2, 2012 for the entertainment of the Senior Citizens. IASH featured three award winning Kavis, Mahesh Dube, Vagish Dinkar and Abhinav Shukla. Their performance was overwhelming and kept the crown engaged and full of laughter for several hours. Abhinav Shukla specifically said that the poetry just comes from within as a gift from GOD. In a split second, Vagish Dinkar composed a poem on the spot as to how Kavita comes to him out of nothing. We spoke to the audience who had thoroughly enjoyed the Kavi Comedy and had nothing but praiseworthy comments, to add and described their KAVITA and COMEDY as being out of the world. They all left with smiling faces.
The program ended with wonderful words from Jaspal Singh, and other board members. An award of recognition was presented to Anil Parekh and Ramjibhai Patel being the founders of this organization.
Special thanks from IASH for the Event Sponsor $5,000.00: Anonymous, and Silver Sponsors $1,000.00, Desai Construction & Developers, Jay Bharat, Dr. Ashok Amin, Chaturbhai Patel, Manubhai Shah, Uka & Nalini Solanki, Pushpaben & B.U. Patel, Pratima & Navin Doshi, Vasant Rathi. Other Sponsors $250.00-$500.00 - Navneet Patel, India Overseas Trading, Dr. Natinbhai Shah, Pravin & Sudha Mody, Jigar & Rashmi Shah, Gunvant & Ilaben Shah, Dr. Mahesh Gupta, Ganpat & Manjula Patel, State Bank of India, Bhupesh Parikh, Mahendra Makhijani, Suresh & Nalini Bhati, Kantibhai Pranav - Highglow, Dahyabhai & Hirabhen Patel, Dr. Arvind & Jayshree Mehta, Pinakin Pathak, Ram Singhania, Purnima & Piyush Karia, Alpa Maniar, Dhiren Mehta, Shru & Aarti Manek, Manibhai & Savitaben Mehta, Dhiren & Rajula Shah, Dharmabhai & Shardaben Patel and Rashmi Shah.
