Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu Opens Supervisor Campaign Headquarters & Volunteer-Hub
Anaheim, California, March 11, 2010
Tim Clark
Today, Anaheim Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu announced that his Orange County 4th District Supervisor campaign headquarters and volunteer-hub will officially open on Saturday, March 13th, with a grand kick-off event from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
The headquarters, located at 1105 S. Euclid St., Suite H, in Fullerton, will serve as the staging ground for hundreds of Sidhu volunteers as the campaign initiates its grassroots effort over the coming weeks.
“The Sidhu volunteer effort will be broad and effective,” said Sidhu spokesman Tim Clark. “Under the watchful eye of veteran consultant Scott Taylor, Harry Sidhu’s campaign is on track to exceed our goal of recruiting and fielding over three hundred grassroots volunteers.”
In the past four weeks, the Sidhu campaign has gained strong support from grassroots activists as well as Orange County’s elected leaders. That includes endorsements from the California Republican Assembly, one of California’s oldest and largest Republican volunteer groups, as well as from Orange County Board of Supervisors Chair Janet Nguyen, Vice Chair Bill Campbell, Board of Equalization Member Michelle Steel, Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle, Republican National Committeeman Shawn Steel, and many others.
Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu was first elected to the Anaheim City Council in 2004 and was overwhelmingly re-elected to a second term in 2008. On the council, he quickly established a reputation as a tough-minded advocate for streamlined, efficient government and as a champion of small business. Harry also ensured the protection of property rights through the successful passage of a City Charter Amendment prohibiting eminent domain abuse. As a local business owner, he employs over 120 people with sales of close to $5 million a year.
For more information on Harry Sidhu’s candidacy for OC Supervisor, visit: www.JoinHarry.com/ocs.