of U.S. Gurdwaras launched by Jagjit Singh Bains
of Sir Speedy Printing Tustin, California
Los Angeles, July 03, 2007
Gary Singh
Directory of U.S. Gurdwaras published by local businessman Jagjit
Singh Bains of Tustin, California, was launched in the presence
of Hillary Clinton and later endorsed by former US President Bill
Clinton in a form of autograph in Southern California last week.
(Left to right) Gurbakash Singh Bhasin, Hillary Clinton and Jagjit
Singh Bains
The directory contains a listing of all Gurudwaras in the US
and is aimed to help the Sikh community network and coordinate
their social, religious, cultural and media efforts on a national
Printed and published by Sir Speedy Printing Tustin, the 2007
Sikh Gurudwara Directory fullfils a long standing need of the
community to compile a comprehensive listing for the benefit of
the community. The directory will be distrubuted Free of cost
to Gurudwaras all over the US.
Community leaders Gurbax Singh Bhasin (Prego Inc) and Ken Singh
(Kenpo Inc.) among others, were present during the launching.