Vijay Jolly of BJP enthralled the NRI audience in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Aug 21, 2014
NRIpress-Club/ Dave/ D.Butani/Gary Singh

OFBJP NRI Convener Vijay Jolly arrived into Los Angles from Vancouver to a rousing welcome at LA Int'l Airport. OFBJP US President Mr. Chandra Kant Patel, LA Convener Mr. P. K. Nayak along with a large contingent of BJP supporters greeted OFBJP leader Jolly with bouquets.
Jolly was speaking at the gala event held in his honor, on August 19, 2014, at the Amaya Restaurant, Buena Park, California. The festivities began at 7:00 PM and ended around 11:45 PM with a turnout of about 250 people.
Audience came from different parts of Southern California to attend the event. The program began with a social hour where the audience and the OFBJP-LA team interacted with each other and had the opportunity to network and meet, greet old Friends and make new friends or acquaintances.

BJP Convener of foreign cell Shri Vijay Jolly announced OFBJP-LA, headed by P K Nayak as the official California branch. The other key members of the team are Anil Mahajan, Dilip Butani, Subbu Shanmugham, Pranav Desai, Anup Baranwal, Latesh Bhambani, Onkar Bhaskar, Balvinder Gurcha, Atul Ghadiali, Roshan Khandpur, Manu Patel, Vijay Patil, Niraj Pratap, Mehul Raja, Tushar Shah, Rohit Singh, and Rajiv Srivatsava.
NRI showed up to hear the message of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi which was delivered by Vijay Jolly. He brought special message especially to the NRI Community who are residing overseas for the long time for the Grand Visit of our First Indian Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi on September, 28th, 2014.
Around 8 PM, Subbu Shanmugham introduced and invited Anil Mahajan to the podium. Anil Mahajan welcomed the audience and invited the OFBJP-LA team to the podium: Shri Vijay Jolly and Shri Chandrakant Patel -OFBJP USA President then came to do lamp lighting.
Subsequently flower bouquets were given by Rupa Naik, Ratna Butani and Preeti Patil to Vijay Jolly, Chandrakant Patel and PK Nayak, respectively. Next Pranav Desai and Priyadarshini Roy to sing Vande Mataram. Next, Prithvi Raj, Kanthi Bhai and Pratap More were invited to the podium and Vijay Jolly gave bouquet to them for starting Overseas Friends of BJP over 2 decades ago in LA area. Subsequently, video presentation of OFBJP-LA activities was done by Latesh Bhambani.
After that Dilip Butani was invited to the stage and he introduced the accomplishments of Shri Chandrakant Patel including his entrepreneurship and the growth of OFBP-USA under his leadership. Butani also recognized elected officials viz. Artesia Mayor Tony Lima, Councilman Ali S. Taj Former assemblyman Tony Mendoza and President Nominee K V Kumar. Then Shri Chandrakant Patel spoke about BJP ‘s role in USA and also introduced Shri Vijay Jolly. He listed accomplishments of Shri Vijay Jolly including over 30 plus years of service to BJP and his dual role as a BJP sevak and businessman.
Shri Vijay Jolly in his speech recalled his student days as a leader at Shriram college in Delhi. He then talked about the positivity in life – how everyday he only thinks positive, acts positive and the difference it has made in his life. He also indicated that megastar Dev Anand talked about the importance of waking – bathroom – drawing room approach in life. When you wake and come back from bathroom you are clean shaven so you give a pleasing look and when you go to the drawing room meet people nicely with a handshake. He has carried that approach all his life.
Shri Vijay Jolly then talked about the accomplishments of Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, how he did a great positive campaign utilizing all the tools the modern technology offers. He also invited the audience to come and support Narendraji’s visit to US in September 19th at the Madison Square. He also talked about the growth of OFBJP in 41 countries in such a short time and discussed that he has a wish list to take it to more than 160 countries. With his oratory skill, he was able to keep the audience riveted throughout his 20 minute speech. He did recognize the OFBJP-LA convenor PK Nayak for his wonderful accomplishments and keeping a good team.
On the podium was also Suneil Anand son of the evergreen actor Dev Anand. Suneil also spoke and wished good luck to OFBJP team. After that, a question and answer session took place with Rohit Singh, Mehul Raja, Rajiv Srivatsava and Latesh Bhambani collecting the questions from the audience and Vijay Jolly answered them. Throughout the evening several members of the Indian community were recognized by Anil Mahajan, Dilip Butani and Subbu Shanmugham. Niraj Pratap did a great job throughout the evening by controlling the audio system well. In the end Pranav Desai proposed a vote of thanks.
Overall it was a fun filled day where the crowd enjoyed the speeches, presentation and delicious dinner.
There was questions and answers session where the most serious questions been raised two of them were about how serious BJP is tackle corruption in India if NRI wanted to invest money in India and facing difficulties in order to get Visa for India Visit for NRI.
Mr. Vijay Jolly drove to the residence of US Congressmen & Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee Mr. Edward R. Royce at Los Angles. Both leaders had a 45 minutes long meeting on Indo-US relations. They also discussed the forthcoming US visit by Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi latter in the month of Sep 2014. Mr. Edward Royce is also the Chairman of India Caucus in US.
Mr Edward Royce expressed a keen desire to meet & welcome PM Modi along with his complete Foreign Affairs Committee members in Washington D.C. Mr. Jolly promised to convey this to the Indian officials arranging the PMs US visit .
An invitation to attend the Sunday 28th Sep public program organised by Indian American Community Foundation for NAMO Swagatam at Madison Square Garden, New York was extended to the US Congressmen Mr Edward Royce by visiting BJP leader Mr Jolly. The US leader accepted the invite with a smile & warm handshake.
Vijay Jolly also visited the LA Chino Hills located BAPS Swami Narayan Temple and offered floral greetings on behalf of BJP President Mr. Amit Shah. Swami Sarv Darshan head of the BAPS temple blessed OFBJP leader Mr. Jolly and his mission in US.