OFBJP USA Convention in Anaheim from December 12-14, 2014
Los Angeles, Dec. 15, 2014
NRIpress-Club/ Karen/Gary Singh

Under the leadership of Dr. Vijay Chauthaiwale, OFBJP Foreign Cell President, Mr. Chandrakant Patel, OFBJP USA President OFBJP (Overseas Friends of Bharatiya Janata Party) and LA OFBJP newly established chapter's P.K. Nayak organized the Overseas Friends of BJP USA Convention in Anaheim from December 12-14, 2014.
The purpose of the seminar was to high light on various topics including Health Care, NRI Business and Entrepreneur Opportunity in India, Tax Implications, Woman Empowerment, Humanity and Spiritualism.During this event, Dr. Vijay Chauitawale outlined the objectives and purpose of OFBJP. Additional speeches were given by Mr. Chandrakant Patel and Mr. P. K. Nayak.
Vijay Chauthaiwale, a Scientist-molecular biologist, vice-president (discovery research) at Torrent Pharmaceuticals in Ahmedabad and in-Charge, Foreign Affairs Cell and OFBJP, Bharatiya Janata Party, India. He is from Nagpur but settled in Ahmedabad for the past 18 years. Chauthaiwale has a RSS background and Modi jio requested him . "Four months ago, Modiji asked me to help out in the campaign. He started to coordinate the efforts of RSS with the state leaders and also to coordinate between the Delhi office and Gandhinagar office of Modi.
Vijay Chauthaiwale spelt out his party's economic agenda, with a focus on good governance, drawing several instances of successful policy.
Mr. Gopal Krishna Agarwal, Mr. Sanjay Kapoor, Ms. Kavita Ashok, and Mr. Ashwin Johar serving different roles in BJP India also attended the event.
Chandrakant Patel, is the President Elect of OFBJP-USA and also served as the OFBJP President during 2005. He got MA in Sociology and Economics, and LLB from Ravishankar University, Raipur, India, became an entrepreneur in USA serving as CEO of “Axon Circuit”, a micro-chip manufacturing company in Tampa, FL. He has been serving the Indian American community with various responsibilities through several Indian community organizations of socio-cultural, religious, and political in nature.
OFBJP LA Chapter key members involved in the organization of the event were Anil Mahajan - Event Chairman, Vijay Patil, Subbu Shanmugham, Roshan Khandpur, Pranav Desai, Vasu Pawar, Latesh Bhambani, Hari Dadlani, Balvinder Garcha, Sourabh Tandon, Onkar Bhaskar, Mayur Shah, Tushar Shah, and Kanak Sinh Zala.

- On December 12, 2014, OFBJP Los Angeles Chapter organized a Meet and Greet Event.
- On December 13th Lamp Lighting ceremony was conducted around 9:15 am. Dr. Vijay announce the opening of convention. After that OFBJP National Convention was held in separate hall. Where all the delegate had there own meeting in presence of Dr. Vijay and Chandrakant Patel. In the evening there was culture program and few speeches.
- On 14 Dec. Mr. SANJAY Shah from Intelty Inc. hosted dinner for all the families of organizing team and supporters.
NOTE: More articles will be added to update this event.