Eat Indian curry to beat cancer

London, September 14

Want to prevent cancer? Eat Indian curry.

Medical experts say that a trip to the local curry house is good for your health - and reports on this in the British press is expected to spark another Indian food boom.

Eating curry on a regular basis can actually stop you getting cancer, according to a professor of Chicago's Loyola University Medical Centre.

Research has revealed that turmeric protects against blood cancer leukaemia as it contains a chemical called curcumin, which stops cancer cells from multiplying. It also blocks the harmful effects of cigarette smoke and processed food.

In fact it seems that everything in curry is good - cumin helps protect against heart disease, coriander is also known to lower blood pressure and garlic has many benefits.

Now curry houses in Birmingham are expecting a fresh surge of interest in Indian grub after experts gave it the bill of health.

Mohammad Nazir, head chef at the Royal Naim Restaurant, said: "This proves what we have been saying for years that curries are healthy for you.

"We definitely expect to see more people coming out to enjoy a curry now."