Health study confirmed that Indian curries protects against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.


Dr. Suresh Gupta

Although Curry is not an Indian word - it has come to represent the varied dishes that are stew like or a soupy. These dishes are cooked in steps with the following seasonings which are called masalas

1. A base of spices sautéed in ghee or oil

2. A secondary level of seasonings are added and include all or some of the following – a mixture of onion, garlic, ginger, and tomatoes - herbs and seasonings like mint leaves or fenugreek may also be added

3. A third level may include coconut milk, almonds, cashews or cream

4. All curries have a sour taste which may be achieves with lime juice, tamarind, mango powder, kokum or yogurt - a sweetener may also be added - traditionally Indians use jaggery or gur

India produces and consumes most of the world's turmeric, a chemical compound in the curry ingredient curcumin, has lower rates of Alzheimer's than in western countries, dropping to just one per cent of over-65s in some areas.

  • Scientists have discovered that curcumin oil is a chemical trigger that enhances enzyme activity. It in turn protects the brain against the progression of neuro-degenerative disease.
  • Curcumin has been found to work wonders on other illnesses as well. It can be a guard against liver damage or can assist in the treatment of AIDS and cancer.
  • Health study on rats found that curcumin induces an enzyme hemeoxygenase which operates as a defence against free radicals that cause cells to function abnormally and die out. Such damage to DNA or proteins is a key cause of Alzheimer's disease and also affects the ageing process.