Chandigarh, October 23, 2008
: Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia, Patron, Youth Akali Dal today challenged
Capt. Amarinder Singh, former Chief Minister to join the struggle
of Punjab farmers against Union Government to get MSP of Paddy raised
to Rs. 1300 and bonus enhanced to Rs. 300 rather than pretending
his hollow concern for farmers, by confessing that MSP for paddy
was "admittedly low".
Referring to Amarinder's photo ops flying visits to selected Mandis
of the State, the YAD Patron said that this whole drama of fixing
MSP of paddy below CCAP's recommended price of Rs. 1000/- and then
granting bonus in peanuts to farmers has exposed the ' anti farmers
and anti Punjab' face of Congress Party. He said that Union government
was bent upon punishing Punjab Farmers for voting out corrupt Congress
from the power in Punjab and was deliberately tailoring the policies
to push farmers further in debt trap.
Mr. Majithia said that the earlier debt waiver scheme was custom-made
to keep majority of Punjab farmers out of it. Now FCI, a Union Government
procurement agency that used to procure over 40% of produce, has
procured only 1.3% of procured paddy till date, on the express directions
of Congress leadership. Now to further penalize Punjab's farmers,
the Union government was creating the shortage of DAP to fail the
sowing operations.
He said that PPCC President's demand of MSP at Rs. 950/- below
the recommended price of Rs. 1000/- has fully exposed the anti farmer
face of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee. The YAD Patron said that
Rahul Gandhi's fruitless interaction tamasha with Punjabi's without
any concrete announcement for Punjab's welfare has further eroded
the credibility of Gandhi families in the eyes of Punjabis.
Demanding immediate decision on allowing export of Non- Basmati
Rice, Mr. Majithia said that it was double whammy for the Punjab
farmers as he was not being allowed to export rice to other countries
at remunerative rates.
Mr. Majithia said that Union Government would have to pay a heavy
price for ignoring the interests of Punjab farmers who feed the
nation as farmers would be forced to switch to cash crops.
Strongly advocating the need for action-oriented approach for promoting
Gender Equality and improvement in Child Sex Ratio, the Punjab Governor
and Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh, Gen. (Retd.) S.F.
Rodrigues, PVSM VSM, today called for a crusade against the unethical
practice of female foeticide, through the vigorous implementation
of action plans at the ground level and by making it a mass movement,
with the active involvement of the people.
Inaugurating a Regional Conference on Health, Population and Social
Development in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab with a focus
on Child Sex Ratio, here today, General Rodrigues said that there
is a need of strengthening our monitoring systems to identify the
gaps in the implementation processes in this social societal endeavour,
followed by corrective measures. We have to create a situation of
developing the sense of "us" and shedding the approach
"we" and "they" in dealing with this issue of
vital social importance to achieve the desired goals.
Expressing his anguish over the lackadaisical of our systems and
of our society, towards the social evil of female infanticide, General
Rodrigues lamented that the efforts made so far in this programme
have not turned into a mass movement and merely remained an academic
exercise on paper. There is strong need for reinventing our attitudes
and reinforcing our value system to tackle these ills, which are
eroding our morality and the social system. He stressed that the
need of the hour is, therefore, to activate our conscience and reorient
our systems to reach out to every village and town, to educate public
opinion. We have also to strengthen our network for empowerment
of women and make them self-reliant with active community support.
Referring to the measures being taken for social development,
General Rodrigues said that various programmes impacting our social
system have been launched in the Union Territory of Chandigarh with
benefit to the whole region. He said that special focus has been
given on the inculcation of proper values, so as to make our children
good citizens. We have started a novel programme "Focus: Moral
Values & Civic Duties in Education' in all the 110 schools of
Union Territory. He said that it has three major elements relating
to basic human values, with the focus on a personal value system,
the inculcation of a sense of responsibility towards society and
our duty to the State and the nation. He referred to the philosophy
of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan institutions, which aim to promote our
rich heritage and human values and educate our students to the needs
of our country. Besides this, as part of upliftment plan of the
poor strata, the Chandigarh Administration is implementing an ambitious
plan for the rehabilitation of slum dwellers under which 25000 one
room tenements are being constructed with all modern facilities
to be given them on nominal rent.
General Rodrigues appealed to the members of the Population Foundation
of India (PFI) to participate in all these programmes having relevance
in the Social Development, Health and Population and incorporate
them into national programmes, for the benefit of the people of
the Country. He also released a booklet and a wall poster on the
relevant theme of the Conference on the occasion.
Mr. B.G. Deshmukh , former Cabinet Secretary Government of India
and Vice Chairman of the governing body of Population Foundation
of India, while speaking on the occasion highlighted the goals of
the national body on family planning, reproductive health and other
development issues. He said that the foundation has organized various
State Level Conferences as part of its advocacy programmes in different
States and helping them in framing their population polices and
Mr.A.R. Nanda, Executive Director, PFI, welcomed the Guests and
Mr. B.G. Verghese, Member Governing Body, PFI proposed vote of thanks.
A Brief Note of Punjab Cooperation
Minister Capt. Kanwaljit Singh's Meet the Press
Chandigarh Press Club on 23th October, 2008
The core issue faced by the state is its economic condition which
affects the entire societies well being. Keeping that in mind I
have taken the initiative to meet the Press today to share and discuss
what we in our Cooperative Department have endeavored to improve,
revamp and boost the economic condition of the rural Punjab, primarily
an agrarian society.
Admittedly the pertinent issue faced by us today is the slow economic
growth which directly affects and determines the economy of the
state leading to unemployment and putting the state finance under
stress. "It is in this context that we have planned and tried
to evolve policies in our Cooperative Department which will endeavor
to put the state's economic growth on a fast track". It would
be interesting fact to share that the agriculture sector contributes
2000 crore to the state revenue as compared to Industry and trade
which generates a revenue of 700 crore.Thus Agriculture is the larger
contributor to the State exchequer but alas "Punjab's farmers
are facing a crisis in form of ever increasing indebt ness, increasing
inputs and shrinking farm sizes".
While majority of the state's farmers have holdings less than 5
acres, therefore the role of the Cooperatives is to reduce costs
so that the marginal farmers can make agriculture a remunerative
occupation. However the Government of India's policy of restricting
Punjab to the role of "Food Bowl and following the wheat-paddy
rotation where inputs costs are not regulated and produce costs
are strictly controlled and influenced by the Government with no
prior thought to profit margins for the farmers.' Punjab's agriculture
needs to break out of this pattern and make a paradigm shift to
a profit motivated occupation. "This strategy has to be essentially
a switch over which is demand driven. Shouldering this responsibility
we have designed the Cooperative department to play a key role,
in fact my vision is to bring about a socio economic transformation
in Punjab. Cooperatives have inherent strength to fight lobbies
and domination of monopolists. I have asked my officers especially
the FCC and Registrar Cooperative Societies to usher in a strong
Cooperative movement of the people."
The biggest dilemma facing the farmers is indebt ness and to rescue
the agriculture community from the clutches of private money lenders,
The Punjab State Cooperative Bank has been advancing Short Term
Credit in form of crop loans to the farmers through the network
of its branches in villages and Primary Agriculture Cooperative
The department has also come out with Revolving Cash Credit scheme
for debt swapping and bringing farmers out of the clutches of private
money lenders. This credit facility is available at much lower rate
of interest for repaying the private money lenders. Approximately
14165 farmers have availed the benefit under this scheme to the
amount of Rs.1980 crore till now. "With a vision to evolve
the Cooperative Societies into major service providers as well as
reduce production costs we have endeavored that these societies
should become consumer hubs giving a major thrust and a boost to
rural economy.
Playing a pivotal role to encourage and provide facility for education
the Cooperative Department has come forward with a scheme in which
the banks provide Education Loans up to Rs 10.00 lacs for studies
in India or Abroad at a nominal rate of 9 percent without any margin
money. This loan is to be repaid after the completion of the course.
Also loan to the children of Dalits, poor families and Backward
Classes is available at 7.2 under Cooperative Education Loan scheme
unto Rs 10.00 lacs to be repaid in 5 years.
The Cooperative movement stands committed for the dignity of labour,
social and economic justice to every human being. It is towards
this objective that we have flouted Mai Bhago Istri Shakti Scheme
,the only scheme in the country initiated to economically empower
rural women and encourage them to find there latent potential and
play a larger role in a mainly patriarchal society .This scheme
is essentially to give self respect ,dignity and economic empowerment
to the rural women. Hassle free credit is available at preferential
rate of interest of 10 percent. Nearly 2500members have availed
a loan of 640 lacs and the recoveries near 100 percent.7063 women
have got training in Cutting, Tailoring, Beauty Parlour, Jam-Chutni
making in the state. In another Bhai Ghanaya Sehat Seva Scheme launched
on 1.10.2008, 1.83 main members have registered with 5.68 dependent
members also being covered under this scheme. Till 22.10.2008 1451
members have taken a benefit of 2.31 crores. At the launch there
were 171 hospitals on the panel but today we have 240 hospitals
providing medical services to the people covered under this scheme
in the state. We are pioneering to provide medical health cover
to the rural segment.
The emphasis of industrialization in the state is of course paramount,
with agro based industry to be promoted. It is in this role that
Milkfed and Markfed have been directed to play a larger and an extended
role to create demand for agri produce and create and consequently
generate employment .Milkfed has successfully provided an alternative
to wheat-paddy rotation by ensuring high returns to farmers in dairy
business. The procurement of the Milkfed has increased by 30 percent
in the last one year. The department facing stiff competition from
MNC and private players has given higher price for milk. Lately
the department has initiated to increase production and modernize
its production techniques.
While Markfed has set into motion a plan to set up a 55 crore Food
processing complex in Ludhiana to meet the demand of the modern
society for proceed food. For the plant backward Linkages and an
innovative scheme of promoting vegetable producing cooperatives
in the villages has been initiated. Punjab also produces high quality
of rice which is well accepted in international market keeping that
in mind the foundation of a state of the art 6TPH rice mill to process
basmati, non basmati paddy and pulses will be laid in November 2008.
The Cooperative department in its social commitment has launched
an ambitious endeavor to provide cheaper housing to the vulnerable
sections of the society.
The Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies are also providing
all types of agriculture inputs and services needed by the farmers
and other members of society. High cost agriculture implements like
tractors, laser levelers, seed grader, and seed driller. Farmers
need not borrow for purchasing these implements. Rather they can
go for custom hiring. If a society has two tractors for the village;
it results in saving at least 20 farmers from debt of purchasing
tractors. "we want to turn our cooperatives into optimum service
providers". .
The Cooperative Department in its commitment to revive the Cooperative
Sugar Industry has planned to set up Co-generation plants in running
sugar mills along with modernization on BOOT basis on which approximately
Rs 675 crores will be invested by the Public/Private Entrepreneur.
For revival of six closed sugar mills and three distilleries a consultant
is being appointment who will evaluate the assets and recommend
what is the best option for revival of these sugar mills/distilleries.
The tender has been already been called and will be opened on 24.10/
we can confidently claim credit that Cooperative Department stands
committed to ensure efficiency, quick administrative disposal, economic
progress, women empowerment and stands committed to a "Prosperous
and a Progressive Punjab."
Interestingly, all this is being done with the resources of the
Cooperative department without causing any burden on the State exchequer.
Chandigarh: Oct. 23, 2008
Dr. Upinderjit Kaur, Education Minister Punjab said that the NCC
activities need to be strengthened in the state so as to create
human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth besides
building their character morally and physically. She was presiding
over the third meeting of the State Advisory Committee meeting of
NCC here today. She agreed that the NCC training schedule has been
hampered because of the big gap between the demand and the allocation
of the funds meant for the NCC activities. She also said that the
matter regarding the revised allocation of the budget for state
NCC group would be taken up with the chief minister and the Finance
Minister Punjab. She has also assured them of providing adequate
infrastructure like computers and other related set-up for the unit
Taking part in the deliberations Brig. Rajinder Singh, Deputy
Director General NCC Punjab said that at present there were 29 units
of NCC managing 562 institutes all over the state. He urged the
state government to enhance the budgetary allocations for NCC cadets
so that the youth should not suffer because of the financial crunch.
He regretted that Punjab was lagging behind the other states in
matter of NCC.
Col. KJ Singh Cdr, NCC group and Coordinator for NCC in Punjab
gave a detailed presentation of the NCC units and their activities
all over the state. He said that 48,000 cadets have been enrolled
for imparting training through NCC units.
As far as the NCC complexes were concerned the NCC directorate
had asked the state government to construct four NCC housing units
at Patiala, Ludhiana, Jullundhar and Amritsar for which each complex
required three to four acres of land. The government has asked the
deputy commissioners to identify the required land and it was observed
that if these complexes came into being then the government could
save a huge amount which was being spent on rents annually. It could
also give impetus to NCC training besides accelerating co-ordination
between NCC units.
Mrs. Anjali Bhawra, Secretary higher education, Mr. Ashok Kumar
ADPI Colleges Punjab, besides other senior officers of the education
and finance departments, principals of a few government colleges
attended the meeting.
Chandigarh, October 23, 2008
Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia, Patron, Youth Akali Dal today challenged
Capt. Amarinder Singh, former Chief Minister to join the struggle
of Punjab farmers against Union Government to get MSP of Paddy raised
to Rs. 1300 and bonus enhanced to Rs. 300 rather than pretending
his hollow concern for farmers, by confessing that MSP for paddy
was "admittedly low".
Referring to Amarinder's photo ops flying visits to selected Mandis
of the State, the YAD Patron said that this whole drama of fixing
MSP of paddy below CCAP's recommended price of Rs. 1000/- and then
granting bonus in peanuts to farmers has exposed the ' anti farmers
and anti Punjab' face of Congress Party. He said that Union government
was bent upon punishing Punjab Farmers for voting out corrupt Congress
from the power in Punjab and was deliberately tailoring the policies
to push farmers further in debt trap.
Mr. Majithia said that the earlier debt waiver scheme was custom-made
to keep majority of Punjab farmers out of it. Now FCI, a Union Government
procurement agency that used to procure over 40% of produce, has
procured only 1.3% of procured paddy till date, on the express directions
of Congress leadership. Now to further penalize Punjab's farmers,
the Union government was creating the shortage of DAP to fail the
sowing operations.
He said that PPCC President's demand of MSP at Rs. 950/- below
the recommended price of Rs. 1000/- has fully exposed the anti farmer
face of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee. The YAD Patron said that
Rahul Gandhi's fruitless interaction tamasha with Punjabi's without
any concrete announcement for Punjab's welfare has further eroded
the credibility of Gandhi families in the eyes of Punjabis.
Demanding immediate decision on allowing export of Non- Basmati
Rice, Mr. Majithia said that it was double whammy for the Punjab
farmers as he was not being allowed to export rice to other countries
at remunerative rates.
Mr. Majithia said that Union Government would have to pay a heavy
price for ignoring the interests of Punjab farmers who feed the
nation as farmers would be forced to switch to cash crops.
