Milkfed to set up milk estates on the pattern of industrial
One day field workshop at a commercial dairy farm set up in Ludhiana
Chandigarh, October 15, 2008
The Punjab Government has embarked upon a new strategic vision
plan to transform Milkfed Punjab to a full modern and professional
organization of National level. The vision plan is being finalized
with the assistance of Rabo Bank and NABARD and would be implemented
in coming two months.
Presiding over a high level meeting to review the performance
of Milkfed, the Punjab Cooperation Minister Capt. Kanwaljit Singh
said that it was high time to market Verka brand through out the
world as this brand had already carved a niche with its quality
in fresh milk as well as in various milk products. But in the change
scenario and new market trends it becomes imperative to lay more
emphasis on the promotion of Verka brand and underlined the need
to launch an innovative and aggressive advertising policy for this
Capt. Singh directed the MD Milkfed to explore the possibilities
of setting up of milk estates on the pattern of industrial estates
at the common places through out the state with quality infrastructure
as well as animal health care facilities besides ensuring the up
gradation of present infrastructure at milk collection centers to
turn them in automatic milk collection centers with electro milko
testers facilities as it was the back bone of procurement chain
of Milkfed.
The Cooperation Minister announced to hold a one day field workshop
at a commercial dairy farm set up by Milkfed in Ludhiana district
next month to discuss and sort-out the problems being faced by the
dairy farmers.
While explaining the modernization initiatives of Milkfed, Capt.
Singh informed that a new butter wrapping and carton packing machine
worth Rs 5 Crore had been imported from Germany and was being installed
at Ludhiana alongwith a new atomiser of Rs 92 lakhs. Capacity of
Chandigarh Plant was being tripled with an expenditure of Rs 10
Crore and it would be completed by March 2009. Similarly, Capacity
of Mohali Plant being increased from 1 lakh Kg/day to 3 lakh Kg/day
with an expenditure of Rs 15 Crore. He further said that the Capacity
of Cattle Feed Plant was also being increased from 300 MT/day to
500 MT/day at the cost of Rs. 8 Crores. A 50 MT bye pass protein
feed plant was to be set up at Bhattian at cost of Rs 1.5 Crores.
A hi- tech central milk testing laboratory is being set up at Mohali
by investing Rs. 2 Crore, he added.
Expressing satisfaction over the ever increasing annual turn over
of Milkfed , which is at present Rs 931 Crores, Capt. Singh hoped
that it would touch Rs. 1200 Crore mark on the completion of current
financial year.
The Cooperation Minister directed the officials of MILKFED to work
hard in a result oriented manner by fixing challenging targets for
2nd white revolution to bring prosperity to milk producers and to
ensure best quality milk and milk products for the consumers.
Earlier Mr. Gurbachan Singh Babehali Chairman MILKFED and MLA from
Gurdaspur welcomed the Cooperation Minister at MILKFED office. Mr
V K Singh Managing Director of MILKFED made a presentation before
the Minister indicating performance and achievements of Dairy Cooperatives
in the state. Performance was reviewed in light of previous directions
of the Cooperation Minister when he had given targets for MILKFED
and District Milk Unions. Half yearly performance was also reviewed.
The meeting was also attended by Ms. Kusumjit Sidhu, Financial Commissioner
Cooperation and Sh. Viswajeet Khanna, Registrar Cooperative Societies,
Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today expressed
profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Smt. Kuldeep Kaur
the mother of Mr. Jasbir Singh Shameel the editor of International
Punjabi magazine 'Parvasi' who passed away at village Thouna in
District Ropar.
Mr. Badal expressed his heartfelt sympathies with the members of
the bereaved family and prayed to the Almighty to grant peace to
the departed soul and give strength and courage to them to bear
this irreparable loss.
Member Parliament and President Shiromani Akali Dal Mr. Sukhbir
Singh Badal also condoled the death of Smt. Kuldeep Kaur.
Information & Public Relations Minister Mr.Bikram Singh Majithia
also shared his condolences with the bereaved family. Media Advisor,
Harcharan Bains, Mr. D.S. Jaspal and Mr. Tejveer Singh, Principal
Secretary and Director Information & Public Relations Department
Punjab also mourned the death of Smt. Kuldeep Kaur.
Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal urged the Government
of India to ensure timely supply of DAP as per State's demand in
view of the ensuing Rabi 2008-09.
While reviewing the position with regard to the availability of
DAP here at his official residence late last evening, Mr. Badal
directed the state Chief Secretary and Financial Commissioner Development
to regularly monitor the supply and also keep liaison with Department
of Fertilizers, GoI for uninterrupted and adequate supply of DAP.
He also asked the Chief Secretary to be in touch with Ministry of
Railways to ensure smooth supply of DAP through adequate and timely
availability of rakes to the state.
The Chief Minister appealed to the farmers not to be panicky as
there was no shortage of DAP at present. He also urged them to make
judicious use of fertilizers as per the expert advice of the farm
It was informed in the meeting against the requirement of 3.50
lakh MT of DAP up to October 25, 2.33 lakh MT had been received
in the state. The state had a stock of about 1.52 lakh MT as on
1st October and another 80,000 MT to date. About 50% of DAP would
be supplied to the farmers through cooperative sector and remaining
50% by the private traders. In addition, the state had received
7,907 MT of complex fertilizers and another 5000 MT was likely to
be received by October 25, 2008.
The meeting with attended by Media Advisor to Chief Minister Mr.
Harcharan Bains, Chief Secretary RI Singh, Principal Secretary to
Chief Minister DS Guru, Financial Commissioner Development RS Sandhu
and Director Agricultural Balwinder Singh Sidhu.
Chandigarh, October 15: Paddy procurement in Punjab crossed 44
Lac tonnes mark in Punjab with Mandis of Forozepur division maintaining
its lead.
According to an official spokesman by Tuesday, Paddy procurement
by six government agencies and traders reached 43,94,899 tonnes
in Punjab. He said that PUNGRAIN procured 10,38,176 tonnes of paddy
(26.4%) whereas MARKFED procured 9,13,295 tonnes of paddy (23.2%).
PUNSUP procured 9,12,884 tonnes of paddy (23.2%) whereas Punjab
State Warehousing Corporation procured 5, 27,115 tonnes of paddy
(13.4%) besides 4,94,909 tonnes of paddy (12.6%) procured by Punjab
Agro. The Central Government Agency FCI procured only 52,998 tonnes
of paddy (1.3%). The Millers procured 4, 55,522 tonnes of paddy
(10.4 %) by Tuesday.
The mandis in Amritsar Division recorded 14,66,327 tonnes of paddy
with Kapurthala recording maximum paddy by Tuesday to the tune of
3, 42,316 tonnes. The mandis of Ferozepur division recorded 22,56,862
tonnes of paddy with maximum of 8,55,269 tonnes of paddy being recorded
by Ferozepur district.
The spokesman said that six government agencies have paid over
Rs. 2391.70 crores for paddy procured by agencies during first 15
days of current Kharif Marketing Season.
The spokesman said that farmers of the State are being made payment
of paddy procured by the government agencies within 48 hours of
lifting of paddy from the procurement centres.
The Punjab Food Supply had setup 1622 procurement centres throughout
the state to ensure smooth procurement of paddy.
Chandigarh Oct. 15 Keeping in view to protect Agricultural land
and crops from the floods, the Punjab Government has taken historic
decision to spend Rs 137.43 crore on strengthening and widening
of river Ghaggar from KHANOURI to Karail and Khanouri to Makrour
sahib, in Sangrur district of the state.
Revealing this here today, Punjab Irrigation Minister ,Mr Janmeja
Singh Sekhon ,said that this historic scheme first of its kind after
Independence would going to be launched by ,the Punjab Chief Minister
S Parkash Singh Badal, on Oct. 17, 2008 which would be the red letter
day in the history of Punjab irrigation.
Giving more details regarding this scheme, Mr Sekhon said on completion
of this project,60000 acres of Agricultural land of 44 villages
of district Sangrur and Patiala would be saved from the flood waters.
Under this scheme 40 Kms length of river ghaggar would be widened
and banks would also be constructed on both sides of the river to
tame the floods. With this the capacity would also be increased
to carry 25000 Cusecs of water. In first phase 22.45 Kms length
would be widened and strengthened upto village Makrour Sahib.
Mr Sekhon further said that 668 acres of land falling under widening
and construction of banks has been acquired and compensation to
the tune of Rs 45 crores has been given to the farmers. The project
would be completed in record time of three months. On completion
18 villages of Patiala and 26 Villages of Sangrur district would
be benefitted, said Mr Sekhon.
Chandigarh, October 15
Youth Akali Dal (YAD) Patron Mr. Bikram Singh Majithia today warned
the Union Government to immediately announce increase in MSP of
Paddy to Rs. 1000 per quintal retrospectively, announce Rs. 300
bonus coupled with lifting of ban on non- basmati rice to mitigate
the sufferings of paddy farmers in the State or face gherao by the
angry peasantry of the state. Inviting Punjab Congress leaders also
to join the gherao, Mr. Majithia said that it was the duty of every
Punjabi to rise about the party line to get the Punjab farmers their
due, rather than do just lip service.
In statement issued here today Mr. Majithia said that UPA government
was bent upon chopping 'the hand that feeds the entire nation' by
not coming to the aid of Punjab farmers in distress and Youth Akali
Dal would forced to gherao UPA Chairperson Smt. Sonia Gandhi to
get the farmers of Punjab their rightful due. Mr. Majithia said
that Punjab does not require photo ops road shows of Rahul Gandhi
but want an expeditious decision by UPA on this burning problem.
YAD Patron stated that Punjab's farmers had always risen to the
nation's challenge and put in their blood and sweat to produce record
harvests this year to make country self sufficient on food front.
"Instead of being grateful to the Punjabi Farmers for contributing
over 30 lacs MT extra Wheat to the Central pool as against last
year ensuring the nation's food security at a time when world was
facing food shortages, the Union Government seemed to prosecuting
them for their performance", Mr. Majithia said that. "
Mr. Majithia regretted State's farmers have not been given commensurate
returns by the Union Government. Despite the demand for MSP of Rs.
1400/- in view of the rising input costs the Union Government even
has not accepted the recommendation its own body CCAP of Rs. 1000
MSP for Paddy.
YAD Patron demanded that Union government should immediately enhanced
MSP of paddy to Rs. 1000 per quintal besides a bonus of Rs. 300
per quintal. It should also lift ban on export of non-Basmati rice
in view of the bumper paddy crop and adequate buffer food grains
stocks. He also urged the Union Food Ministry to immediately raise
the moisture content in paddy to 21% so that procurement agencies
should not harass farmers.
Threatening a direct action by the cadre of YAD, Mr. Majithia
said that the dillydallying tactics of UPA government on paddy procurement
has exposed their anti Punjab face.
