Sukhbir request PM to intervene
AIBA's rules
that prohibit Sikhs from taking part in boxing competitions
Rule of the AIBA which states," to ensure that no
discrimination is allowed against any country or person on grounds
of race, religion or political affiliation."
Chandigarh, July 15, 2008
The Shiromani Akali Dal President and Member of
Parliament Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal today asked the Prime Minister
Dr.Manmohan Singh to intervene with the International Olympic
Association and the International Boxing Association (AIBA) against
rules that prohibit a prectising Sikh from taking part in boxing
Mr.Badal has also sent a copies of this letter to the Indian
Olympic Association and the India Ameteur Boxing Federation.
Mr.Badal's letter follows the denial of right to compete twice
to the India Junior National Gold Medallists (Super Heavy Weight)
Pushpinder Singh in International meets. He had been refused selection
as he did not qualify to take part in the trials because of the
IABA regulations.
It may be mentioned here that the competition Rule IV, Dress-B
states that, "A boxer shall be clean shaven at the medical
examination before the weigh-in. Beards are not allowed a thin
moustache is allowed not to exceed the length of the upper lip."
Mr. Badal has pointed out that this rule violates the Article
'A' of the AIBA which states," to ensure that no discrimination
is allowed against any country or person on grounds of race, religion
or political affiliation."
Mr. Badal said that the rule prohibiting practicing Sikhs from
participation goes against the basic tenet freedom of conscience
and religious equality. He said that the rule is clear case of
discrimination on religious grounds. It violates the basic tenet
of Sikh Religion whose followers number more than 20 million and
they reside as lawful citizens in almost all countries like India,
UK, USA, Canada, Australia and all over Europe. Sikhs who follow
Sikh Religion have to keep five Ks which include " keshas"
or hair. Sikhs never shave the hair. Uncut hair, right from birth
till death, are part and parcel of their physical being. They
are not just symbols which may or may not be worn.
Mr. Badal has also referred to Article 3 of the objectives of
the AIBA which states," discrimination on any ground such
as gender, race, color, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, is strictly prohibited and
punishable by suspension or expulsion.
In the light of the above, said Mr.Badal, the Govt.of India
and the IOA must immediately move the world body to get the offending
clause deleted from its rules. He said that, Pushpinder, who is
one of the most promising boxers from the country, must be allowed
to pursue his sport without any discrimination on the basis of
the symbols of his religion, he said.
Chandigarh July 15, 2008
The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal said here
today that Punjab was poised to make a generational leap into
a new age of all round development and economic prosperity. Show-casing
his government's concrete socio-economic initiatives to lead what
he described as "Punjab's transformation into a global destination
as a developed state," Mr. Badal declared that the state
would soon outstrip national goals in inclusive growth, fiscal
management, education, power and infrastructure development. Punjab
is set to touch global standards in almost all the key area.
"All this was being achieved while preserving the atmosphere
of peace, communal harmony and Punjabi unity and by strengthening
democracy at the grass roots. We have also worked consciously
towards eliminating confrontation from the polity of the state
and to replace it with conciliation and consensus for the greater
good of our people," said Mr. Badal.
He listed the revival of the 19000 crore Bathinda Oil Refinery
and the setting up of the Mohali International Airport among the
major achievements of his government during its first year.
The Chief Minister was addressing media persons at a Meet the
Press function at the Chandigarh Press Club.
Giving details of the strides made by the state in various fields,
Mr. Badal said that the government was focused on kick-starting
a dormant economy it had inherited. "Already, the VAT collections
have gone up by an unprecedented 42 per cent, netting in an additional
Rs. 600 crore. And this has been achieved without any recourse
to harsh measures. This trend will be kept up in all other spheres,
putting the state's economic health on a sound foundation,"
he declared.
The Chief Minster said that the his government was all set to
take Punjab into the era of world class aviation infrastructure
path breaking measures such as the setting up of the Shaheed Bhagat
Singh International Airport at Mohali. Similarly, a Civil Terminal
was being set up at Bathinda. In addition, Flying Clubs are being
started at Ludhiana, Bathinda and Patiala. "
The road infra structure in the state is also set to undergo
a major transformation with Eight Lane Expressways connecting
Mohali and Chandigarh with Phagwara, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Patiala,
Bathinda and Ferozepur and four-lane access to all the other major
destinations in the state. The holy city of Sri Anandpur Sahib
was being linked with the Mohali airport with four-lanes expressway
up to Kiratpur Sahib. The National Highway from Shambhu to Jalandhar
was being six-laned while the state government had approached
the centre to for getting it extended up to Amritsar and Attari.
The rural road network was also being strengthened with 7200
KMs of link roads being repaired and 2200 new link roads being
laid. "In the transport sector, Punjab will become the first
state in the country to introduce air-conditioned bus service
at nearly normal fares. We are on the threshold of a quantum leap
on almost every sphere of development," said Mr. Badal.
He disclosed that a super expressway linking Pathankot with
Ajmer would be built at a cost of Rs. 8600 crore in technical
and financial tie-up with Reliance.
The Chief Minister said that bench marks set by the state in
agriculture and soldiery would soon be matched and even excelled
in other sectors such as urban and rural development, aviation,
road infrastructure, irrigation and power, education and technology.
Mr. Badal paid rich tributes to the "hard-working, selfless
and patriotic farmers of Punjab" who, he said, had "surprised
the nation by turning out a record wheat yield of 156 Metric tones
and saving the country from thousand of crores worth of food imports.
Punjab was asked to contribute just 78 MTs of wheat to the national
pool to the country from starvation. The Punjabi farmer responded
by contributing 99 MTs. Once again, the Punjabi farmer had risen
to save the life and honour of the country. He said that this
had been made possible by the timely supply of inputs like DAP,
quality seed and regular power supply.
Mr. Badal said that as a result of his vigorous efforts on equitable
farm prices with the centre, the Punjab farmers got Rs. 3500 crore
additional benefit as a result of enhanced wheat MSP."
He said that his government accorded a high priority to power
generation and distribution as this was the prerequisite for development
in every sphere. He regretted that the total generation in the
state had stood at 6200 MWs till the beginning of 2007 and not
a single unit had been added between 2002 and 2007. "We have
already added 500 MWs through the commissioning of two units at
Lehra Mohabbat . Major initiatives have now been launched to increase
this capacity by at least 5000 MWs by 2012. We have completed
the ground work for four new thermal plants in the state at Gidderbaha
( 2640 MWs)Talwandi Sabo (1980 MWs) , Rajpura (1320 MWS) and Goindwal
Sahib (600 MWs) . In addition, Punjab will get 2539 MWs from Long
Term Power Purchase agreements with the centre and another 2225
MWs from Ultra Mega Projects in the 11th Plan.
The state had launched a major drive for rural electrification
under which four lac new connections would be given. Similarly,
all Deras and Dhanis, with five or more houses would be given
power connection. The government ahs also undertaken a comprehensive
Rs 5600 crore exercise to improve transmission. " We will
make Punjab not only self-sufficient but even a surplus state
in power generation," said Mr. Badal.
Mr. Badal said that his government accorded the highest priority
education, especially school education for the rural and urban
poor. He said that under the Adarsh School scheme started by his
government, 108 model schools were being opened in which poor
meritorious students would be given free quality education. Similarly,
three schools in each constituency were being upgraded.
Similarly, higher education in the state was also set for a make-over
with a world Calss University ebing set up at Amritsar and a central
university granted to the state. Punjab's first I.I.T. would be
coming at Ropar while an Indian School of Business will start
at Mohali.
Other Institutes sanctioned include Knowledge City Mohali, the
Institute of Nano Science and technology, the Indian Institute
of Science education and Research (Classes started), National
Agri Food Bio-Technology Institute and a Biotechnology Park
Mr. Badal disclosed that to give a boost to trade and industry,
the Eastern Route Freight Corridor will link Kolkatta with Ludhiana.
Similarly, the Western Route Freight Corridor would link Mumbai
with Ludhiana. while the govt. of India has been requested to
extend both the corridors up to Amritsar in view of the enhanced
expected trade activity between India and Pakistan. The centre
had also agreed to extend the Mumbai-Delhi industrial corridor
to Ludhiana.
Mr. Badal also spoke about the Gas Pipeline from Dadri to Nangal
which will pass through major industrial towns like Rajpura, Mandi
Gobindgarh, Khanna, Ludhiana and Bathinda.
Referring to urban development, Mr. Badal said that never in
history had the cities and towns of Punjab been given the sweeping
revamp that they were set to undergo now. Over Rs 4212 crore were
being spent on improving water supply and sewerage system in urban
areas. Master Plans were being prepared for 30 Major towns in
the state for stream lining and regulating growth and development.
The task for preparing the Master Plan for Mohali had been assigned
to the world famous Jurong International Company.
The Chief Minister also unfolded a major initiative to "completely
revamp and rejuvenate the out-dated and dying canal irrigation
infra-structure in Punjab at a cost s 4712 crore. This would include
rejuvenation and sheet-lining of major water arteries and measures
for flood control and for fighting the menace of water-logging.
Mr. Badal complimented the police and the people of the state
for preserving peace and communal harmony. The police, he said,
had to work under conditions of great physical and mental stress
and the state government was alive to the need to improve their
lot. He said that some steps had been taken to lessen their stress,
like allowing them a weekly off-day. At the request of the force,
the government had decided to give the police personnel an allowance
in lieu of the uniform.
The Chief Minister thanked the people of the state for the trust
repeatedly reposed by them in the SAD-BJP alliance in the Corporation,
Panchayat Samitis, Zila Parishad and Municipal and Panchayat elections.
He reiterated his government's commitment to work for the poorest
of the poor with humility and commitment.
Schedule for RIMC Entrance
Test announced
Chandigarh, July 15, 2008
The entrance examination for admission to the Rashtriya Indian
Military College ( RIMC ), Dehradun for July 2009 term would be
conducted here at Lala Lajpat Rai Bhawan (Sector-15) on 1st &
2nd December, 2008.
Disclosing this here today a spokesman of the Directorate Sainik
Welfare, Punjab informed that only boys were eligible to apply
for the admission. Candidates appearing for the test should not
be born earlier than 1st July, 1996 and not later than 1st January,
1998 . They should either be studying in Class VII or passed Class
VII from any recognized school at the time of admission to the
RIMC. Selected candidates will be given admission in Class-VIII.
The written part of the examination would consist of three papers
namely, English, Mathematics & General Knowledge and the viva-voce
test would be held for only those candidates who qualify in the
written exam and the date for the viva voce test has been fixed
as on 3 April 2009 (Friday).
He informed that the copies of application forms, prospectus
and set of old question papers could be obtained from the Commandant,
RIMC, Dehradun on payment of Rs.250/- through demand draft in
favour of Commandant, RIMC, Dehradun payable at SBI Tel Bhavan
(Code No.1576) Dehradun. Applications in duplicate in prescribed
form should be accompanied by a bank draft for Rs.50/-(Rs.5/-
in case of Scheduled Caste and scheduled tribe) in favour of Commandant,
RIMC, Dehradun payable at SBI Tel Bhavan (Code No.1576) Dehradun
alongwith three passport size photographs of the candidate. Besides
this, the candidate should furnish a certificate of age in duplicate
from municipal birth register.
He further said that the applications in duplicate duly completed
must reach here at Directorate Sainik Welfare, Punjab before 30th
September 2008. Application received after 30-9-2008 will not
be entertained.
Chandigarh, July 15, 2008
The Punjab Government has started a flagship programme in collaboration
with Indian Space research Organisation (ISRO) to provide quality
education to the remotest student of the State through Satellite.
Disclosing this her today Dr. Upinderjit Kaur, Education Minister
Punjab said that the ISRO had supplied 300 SITs (Satellite Interactive
Terminals) to the Punjab EDUSAT Society for this purpose which
have been installed in various senior secondary schools, I.T.I.s.,
polytechnics, degree colleges and engineering colleges all over
the State. The central EDUSAT network HUB and the broadcast studios
have already been installed in the premises of Punjab School Education
Board, Mohali. The state Govt. has provided Rs. 10.00 crore for
this project during the year 2008-09.
The Minister added that as a trial broadcast on the EDUSAT network,
a crash course programme for AIEEE, IIT/JEE, CET/PMT was held
in the last months, which was highly successful and many of the
students could get admission in prestigious professional institutions.
In the sequence of its success, the society has worked out the
much liked coaching programme to be relayed on EDUSAT platform
from for 2 hrs daily immediately after the school was over. However,
presently the timings have been fixed from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
"The best of the faculty available in India have been roped
in to deliver the best of the competitive educational content
for the usage of the aspiring students", she said.
Education Minister further said that this programme is free
for the students of the Govt. schools in 10+1 and 10+2 classes.
However, under this programme, those students who have already
passed 10+2 examination, as well as the students studying in the
private institutions, would also be eligible for enrolment. However,
such students would have to pay Rs. 1000/- lump sum as an enrolment
fee to the society.
She requested the parents and the students to take the full
benefit of the programme. The head of the institutions and subject
teachers would be present at the time of broadcast in their EDUSAT
The Minister added that 173 SIT are fully operational in all
Senior Secondary Schools with Science stream. The Punjab EDUSAT
Society would purchase another 210 SITs at the earliest. "The
society would also start a project on soft skills which would
enhance the employment opportunities to the student after passing
out the school. In schools, lectures on every Saturday would also
be delivered inviting professional on employment opportunities"
she said.
Chandigarh July 15:-The Punjab Government today enhanced Dearness
Allowance payable to Punjab Government employees and pensioners
from the existing rate of 41% to 47 % of Basic Pay plus Dearness
Pay w.e.f. 1st January 2008 .
According to an official spokesman the whole amount on account
of enhanced Dearness Allowance due for the period from 1-1-2008
to 31-7-2008 will be credited to the General Provident fund Accounts
of the employees. For the period from 1-08-2008 enhanced dearness
allowance would be paid in cash.
However, in the case of pensioners entire amount on account
of enhanced Dearness Allowance would be paid in cash w.e.f. 1-1-2008.
The Spokesman added that in the case of such employees who have
been appointed on or after 1-1-2004 under the new restructured
defined Contributory Pension Scheme and have not yet opened their
accounts under Tier-II of the scheme, the Department would purchase
National Saving Certificate/Kissan Vikas Patras from Post Offices
in the State of Punjab with the amount of arrears on account of
enhanced Dearness Allowance in the names of such employees.
Instructions to this effect were today issued to all Head of
Departments, Registrar, High Court of Punjab & Haryana, District
and Session Judges and Deputy Commissioners in the State.
Patiala, July 15, 2008
The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal here today
dedicated the Railway Over Bridge (ROB) over Railway Crossing
(21 No.) on Ambla-Bhatinda Railway line to the people of Punjab.
Addressing the media persons on this occasion, Mr. Badal informed
that this 614.06 mt. long ROB was completed in a record time of
less than two years at a cost of Rs. 27.14 cr. to enable the residents
of Patiala City as well as outsiders passing from this city a
smooth and hassle free movement of vehicular traffic.
Reiterating the firm commitment of SAD-BJP Government to upgrade
the existing infrastructure of roads, over bridges and flyovers
to decongest the vehicular traffic, Mr. Badal said as it was the
need of the hour and the Government was implementing all the development
programmes with an innovative-planed approach. He further said
that a Statewide programme to widen 2000 km link roads on periphery
of all urban settlements had also been launched besides, work
on construction of 23 ROBs at a cost of Rs.418 crore was also
in progress and was likely to be completed during current financial
Replying to a question regarding SAD's stand on Nuclear Deal,
Mr. Badal categorically said that his party was not habitual of
changing its stands every day, in future also it would always
toe the line of NDA and there was no difference of opinion at
any level within the party for supporting NDA on the issue of
nuclear deal.
Replying to another question regarding the present power crisis
in the state the Chief Minister blamed the previous Congress government
for not setting any new Power plant and deliberately ignoring
the power sector for the reasons best known to them. Realising
the importance of power as a core section, Mr. Badal said the
SAD-BJP government had undertaken meticulous planning from the
day one to set up four new thermal plants at Rajpura, Bathinda,
Giddarbaha and Goindwal Sahib in the state within next four years
with an additional generation capacity of 7500 MW, besides existing
capacity of 6200 MW. Punjab government had also planed to complete
100% coverage of water supply and sewerage works in all the small
and big towns of the state with in next three years, Mr. Badal
Replying to another question Mr. Badal said that there was no
move to change the Vice Chancellor of Baba Farid Medical University
of Health sciences.
Later, Mr. Badal visited the house of Bibi Gurchran Kaur, the
daughter of renowned Parja Mandal Leader Late Sardar Sewa Singh
Thikriwala and inquired about her health.
Prominent amongst others who were present on the occasion included
PWD Minister Parminder Singh Dhindsa, Chief Parliamentary Secretary
Raj Khurana, Senior Akali Leader Surjit Singh Rakhra, General
Secretary SAD Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra, Mr.Harmail Singh Tohra,
Mr.Surjit Singh Kohli, Mr.Ajaib Singh Mukhmailpur, Mr. Hamir Singh
Ghagha (all ex-Ministers), Mr. Ajitpal Singh, Mayor, Municipal
Corporation and Jathedar Kirpal Singh Bandugar, Former President,
SGPC, beside, many other SAD and BJP leaders.