The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today squarely
blamed the previous Congress government in the state for the shockingly
inadequate norms which came in the way of providing relief and
compensation to the flood victims in Punjab.
In a letter to the Leader of the Opposition in the state, Mrs.
Rajinder Kaur Bhattal, Chief Minister categorically said that
the norms fixed by the Congress Government for disbursement of
Calamity Relief Fund (CRF) in 2005 were now becoming a hurdle
in the way of relief to the flood victims in the state.
Referring to Mrs. Bhattal's allegation about the non-utilization
of Rs 1646 crore of Central Relief fund meant for flood hit areas,
Mr. Badal responded with his characteristic low key humour, "
The issue was touched upon in detail by me, both in an official
release to and a formal interaction with the media. Reports about
the factual position about the Central Relief Fund were given
wide and prominent display by almost all the regional and national
newspapers as well as by the electronic media. Clearly, these
reports appeared to have escaped your notice, presumably because
of your pre-occupations elsewhere," he said.
The Chief Minister dared the Leader of the Opposition to a debate
on the entire gamut of the issue in the forthcoming session of
the Punjab Vidhan Sabha beginning September 4.
Mr. Badal also called upon her to use her good offices with
her party and join efforts of the SAD-BJP government for getting
the relief/compensation norms revised from Government of India
in consonance with the recommendations made by our government.
The Chief Minister's letter came in reply to a communication
from the Leader of the Opposition to him on the subject two days
Clearly having a dig at the Congress ignorance of the farming
realities, Mr. Badal said," I am sure that as one who is
fully conversent with the ground realities of Agricultural economy,
you could not have been a willing party to the decision to make
the above recommendation to the Govt. of India. Anyone familiar
with the detailed costs of farming in-puts such as labour, seeds,
soil-preparation, fertilizers, weedicides/pesticides, machinery,
irrigation, superintendence and harvesting has a fair knowledge
that on an average, the loss suffered by the farmers at this stage
of paddy alone would be anything between Rs. 20000 to 25000 per
acre. But as per the norms recommended by the Punjab Government
during your tenure as Deputy Chief Minister, the State Government
cannot pay to the farmers anything more than Rs.700/-( for loss
between 25% to 50% ) , Rs.1000/-(50% to 75% ) and Rs.2000/- (
75% to 100%) per acre. As a matter of fact, the Congress led UPA
Government at the Center went even lower than these recommended
norms and fixed only Rs. 1400/- per acre where the loss was total.
Having pot shots at the Congress leaders, including Amarinder
Singh and Mrs. Bhattal, the Chief Minister said, " Because
of your long experience in governance, both as Chief Minister
and as Deputy Chief Minister and Minister, you would perhaps be
aware that it is not possible for the State Government to draw
funds from the CRF in excess of the norms fixed by the Govt.of
India. You must therefore be fully aware that the figure of Rs.1646
crore becomes totally irrelevant in absence of Govt.of India's
sanction for utilization of funds beyond the prescribed limits
which were set only after your Government made the shocking recommendations
cited above."
Continuing in his typical vein, Mr. Badal said, " It will
certainly please you to know that SAD-BJP Government has sent
revised recommendations in this regard to the Government of India,
seeking, among other things, between Rs.15000/- and Rs 20000/-
per acre for flood-hit farmers, where the loss is above 75%. Other
recommendations have also been similarly revised. For example,
as against Rs. 20000/- recommended by your Govt. for total damage
to a house, we have sought the quantum to be raised to at least
Rs.50,000," Mr. Badal said.
Realizing the constraints imposed by the recommendations and
the norms subsequently fixed by the centre, the SAD-BJP Government
in Punjab decided to use its own resources in the aid of the besieged
farmers of the State. "Accordingly, as against the Central
assistance of just Rs. 1400/-per acre for total loss, the Govt.
of Punjab was paying relief @ Rs.5000/-per acre. This was being
done by shelling out the additional funds from the State Govt's
own kitty", said the Chief Minister.
Mr. Badal said that he "fully shared the concern shown by
Mrs. Bhattal with regard to the inadequacy of relief to the flood–hit
farmers", and pointed out that Punjab had already approached
the government for revision of the norms in this regard. He pointed
out how he had been hugely embarrassed when, on his raising the
demand for greater relief of the compensation to the farmers,
the Union Home Minister Mr. ShivrajV.Patil informed him that the
quantum of relief was fixed only after the recommendations and
approval of the Punjab Government. "It was then I became
aware of the shockingly low norms recommended by the Congress
Government in Punjab" said Mr. Badal.
The Chief Minister informed Mrs. Bhattal that now the SAD-BJP
Government had sent revised recommendations in this regard to
the Government of India, seeking, among other things, between
Rs.15000/- and Rs 20000/- per acre for flood-hit farmers where
the loss is above 75%. Other recommendations have also been similarly
revised. For example, as against Rs. 20000/- recommended by your
Govt. for total damage to a house, we have sought the quantum
to be raised to at least Rs.50,000/- .
The Chief Minister referred to the track record of the previous
Congress government "headed by Capt. Amarinder Singh and
co-headed by your goodself," and said that it spent a total
amount of just over Rs. 81 crore as relief during natural calamities
despite heavy floods including in the home districts of the two
leaders, in Patiala and Sangrur. In addition, there was severe
drought at that time, which called for more relief. As against
this, the SAD-BJP Government had already disbursed relief worth
more than Rs. 182 crore as calamity relief in just 18 months since
taking over" said Mr. Badal.
Mr. Badal reiterated that regardless of the restrictive norms
recommended and approved during the Congress regime, the SAD-BJP
government was "determined to stand-by our people in their
hour of distress, no matter what it takes. Funds would not be
allowed to become a constraint for immediate relief", he
I am writing this to acknowledge the receipt of your communication
dated 27-08-2008, about the flood situtation in Punjab and the
steps taken by the State and the Union Govt. to provide relief
and compensation to those affected by this natural calamity.
2. I have been surprised by your reference to the Central Relief
Fund of Rs. 1646 Crore which according to you is lying unutilised.
The issue is touched in detail by me, both in a official release
to and a formal interaction with the media. Reports about the
factual position about the Central Relief Fund were given wide
and prominent display by almost all the regional and national
newspapers as well as by the electronic media. Clearly, these
reports appeared to have escaped your notice, presumeably because
of your pre-occupations elsewhere. I consider it my duty to reiterate
some of the points already reported by the media.
3. You will please recall that during the tenure of the previous
Congress Govt. in Punjab headed by Capt.Amarinder Singh, a communication
was sent to the Govt.of India recommending norms for distribution
of relief to the victims of natural calamities like floods. According
to the recommendations made by the Punjab Government, in which
you not only held the key-portfolio of Rural Development and Panchayats
but were also the Deputy Chief Minister, the flood victims were
to be given relief as per details given below;
Relief on account of damage to standing crops
i) Where crops are totally damaged in early stage but area can
be re-sown in the same season,farmers may be allowed relief for
seeds,fertilizers etc.@Rs.700/- per acre
ii) Where crops are totally damaged in early stage and cannot
be re-sown, relief may be allowed @Rs.1000/- per acre.
iii) Relief on account of damage of mature standing/harvested
crops at the following rates may be allowed:
a) Where the loss to crops exceeds 75%
Rs.2,000/- per acre
b) Where the loss to crops exceeds 50% but does not exceeds 75%
Rs.1,000/- per acre
c) Where the loss to crops exceeds 25% but does not exceeds 50%
Rs.700/- per acre.
d)Where the mature/harvested crops is completely destroyed due
to fire caused by lightening or any other cause, other than electrical/short-circuit.
Rs. 3,000/- per acre.
4. I am sure that as one who is fully conversent with the ground
realities of Agricultural economy, you could not have been a willing
party to the decision to make the above recommendation to the
Govt.of India. Anyone familiar with the detailed costs of farming
in-puts such as labour, seeds, soil-preparation, fertilisers,
weedicides/pesticides, machinery, irrigation, superintendence
and harvesting has a fair knowledge that on an average, the loss
suffered by the farmers at this stage of paddy alone would be
anything between Rs. 20000 to 25000 per acre. But as per the norms
recommended by the Punjab Government during your tenure as Deputy
Chief Minister, the State Government cannot pay to the farmers
anything more than Rs.700/-( for loss between 25% to 50% ) , Rs.1000/-(50%
to 75% ) and Rs.2000/- ( 75% to 100%) per acre. As a matter of
fact, the Congress led UPA Government at the Center went even
lower than these recommended norms and fixed only Rs. 1400/- per
acre where the loss was total.
5. Because of your long experience in governance, both as Chief
Minister and as Deputy Chief Minister/Minister, you would perhaps
be aware that it is not possible for the State Government to draw
funds from the CRF in excess of the norms fixed by the Govt.of
India. You must therefore be fully aware that the figure of Rs.1646
crore becomes totally irrelevant in absence of Govt.of India's
sanction for utilisation of funds beyond the prescribed limits
which were set only after your Government made the shocking recommendations
cited above.
6. Let me also use this opportunity to inform you that the SAD-BJP
Government in Punjab, fully aware of the constraints imposed by
the recommendations and the norms subsequently fixed by the Govt.of
India, decided to use its own resources to come to the aid of
the beleaguered farmers of the State. Accordingly, as against
the Central assistance of just Rs. 1400/-per acre for total loss,
the Govt.of Punjab is paying relief @ Rs.5000/-per acre. This
is being done by shelling out the additional funds from the State
Govt's own kitty.
7. I share your concern with regard to the inadequacy of relief
to the flood–hit farmers and have already approached the
Govt.of India for revision of the norms in this regard. As a matter
of fact, I was greatly embarrassed when, on my raising the demand
for greater relief of the compensation to the farmers, the Union
Home Minister told me that the quantum of relief was fixed only
after the recommendations and approval of the Punjab Government.
It was then that I became aware of the shockingly low norms recommended
by the Congress Government in Punjab.
8. It will certainly please you to know that SAD-BJP Government
has sent revised recommendations in this regard to the Government
of India, seeking, among other things, between Rs.15000/- and
Rs 20000/- per acre for flood-hit farmers, where the loss is above
75%. Other recommendations have also been similarly revised. For
example, as against Rs. 20000/- recommended by your Govt. for
total damage to a house, we have sought the quantum to be raised
to at least Rs.50,000/-
9. I would also like to inform you that in five years of its
tenure, the Congress Government in the State headed by Capt.Amarinder
Singh (and co-headed by your goodself) spent a total amount of
just over Rs. 81 crore as relief during natural calamities. This
was despite heavy floods, including those in Patiala and Sangrur
Districts during your tenure. In addition, the State was also
hit by severe drought during your tenure, calling for more relief.
10. As against Rs. 81 Crore spent by your Government in five
years, the SAD-BJP Government has already disbursed relief worth
more than Rs. 182 crore as calamity relief in just 18 months since
taking over.
11. You would also perhaps be pleased to know that the State
and District Administration from the highest to lowest rank in
the State swung into action immediately. The Chief Secretary headed
a team of senior officers, including Financial Commissioner, Revenue,
Principal Secretary Irrigation to visit the flood-affected areas
to personally know the problems of people. Similarly, three senior
Ministers, Sardar Janmeja Singh Sekhon(Irrigation), Bibi Upinderjit
Kaur (Education) and Sardar Ajit Singh Kohar (Revenue) camped
in the affected villages, spending days and nights with with beleaguered
Realizing the constraints imposed by the recommendations and
the norms subsequently fixed by the centreI, the SAD-BJP Government
in Punjab decided to use its own resources in the aid of the besieged
farmers of the State. "Accordingly, as against the Central
assistance of just Rs. 1400/-per acre for total loss, the Govt.
of Punjab was paying relief @ Rs.5000/-per acre. This was being
done by shelling out the additional funds from the State Govt's
own kitty", said the Chief Minister.
Mr. Badal said that he fully shared the concern shown by Mrs.
Bhattal with regard to the inadequacy of relief to the flood–hit
farmers, and pointed out that Punjab had already approached the
government for revision of the norms in this regard. He pointed
out how he had been hugely embarrassed when, on his raising the
demand for greater relief of the compensation to the farmers,
the Union Home Minister Mr.Shivraj V.Patil informed him that the
quantum of relief was fixed only after the recommendations and
approval of the Punjab Government. "It was then I became
aware of the shockingly low norms recommended by the Congress
Government in Punjab" said Mr. Badal.
The Chief Minister informed Mrs. Bhattal that now the SAD-BJP
Government had sent revised recommendations in this regard to
the Government of India, seeking, among other things, between
Rs.15000/- and Rs 20000/- per acre for flood-hit farmers where
the loss is above 75%. Other recommendations have also been similarly
revised. For example, as against Rs. 20000/- recommended by your
Govt. for total damage to a house, we have sought the quantum
to be raised to at least Rs.50,000/- .
The Chief Minister referred mto the track record of the previous
Congress government "headed by Capt. Amarinder Singh and
co-headed by your goodself," and said that it spent a total
amount of just over Rs. 81 crore as relief during natural calamities
despite heavy floods including in the home districts of the two
leaders, in Patiala and Sangrur. In addition, there was severe
drought at that time, which called for more relief. As against
this, the SAD-BJP Government had already disbursed relief worth
more than Rs. 182 crore as calamity relief in just 18 months since
taking over" said Mr. Badal.
Mr. Badal reiterated that regardless of the restrictive norms
recommended and approved during the Congress regime, the SAD-BJP
government was "determined to stand-by our people in their
hour of distress, no matter what it takes. Funds would not be
allowed to become a constraint for immediate relief", he
I am writing this to acknowledge the receipt of your communication
dated 27-08-2008, about the flood situtation in Punjab and the
steps taken by the State and the Union Govt. to provide relief
and compensation to those affected by this natural calamity.
2. I have been surprised by your reference to the Central Relief
Fund of Rs. 1646 Crore which according to you is lying unutilised.
The issue is touched in detail by me, both in a official release
to and a formal interaction with the media. Reports about the
factual position about the Central Relief Fund were given wide
and prominent display by almost all the regional and national
newspapers as well as by the electronic media. Clearly, these
reports appeared to have escaped your notice, presumeably because
of your pre-occupations elsewhere. I consider it my duty to reiterate
some of the points already reported by the media.
3. You will please recall that during the tenure of the previous
Congress Govt. in Punjab headed by Capt.Amarinder Singh, a communication
was sent to the Govt.of India recommending norms for distribution
of relief to the victims of natural calamities like floods. According
to the recommendations made by the Punjab Government, in which
you not only held the key-portfolio of Rural Development and Panchayats
but were also the Deputy Chief Minister, the flood victims were
to be given relief as per details given below;
Relief on account of damage
to standing crops
iv) Where crops are totally damaged in early stage but area can
be re-sown in the same season,farmers may be allowed relief for
seeds,fertilizers etc.@Rs.700/- per acre
v) Where crops are totally damaged in early stage and cannot
be re-sown, relief may be allowed @Rs.1000/- per acre.
vi) Relief on account of damage of mature standing/harvested
crops at the following rates may be allowed:
c) Where the loss to crops
exceeds 75%
Rs.2,000/- per acre
d) Where the loss to crops
exceeds 50% but does not exceeds 75%
Rs.1,000/- per acre
c) Where the loss to crops exceeds 25% but does not exceeds 50%
Rs.700/- per acre.
d)Where the mature/harvested crops is completely destroyed due
to fire caused by lightening
or any other cause, other than electrical/short-circuit.
Rs. 3,000/- per acre.
4. I am sure that as one who is fully conversent with the ground
realities of Agricultural economy, you could not have been a willing
party to the decision to make the above recommendation to the
Govt.of India. Anyone familiar with the detailed costs of farming
in-puts such as labour, seeds, soil-preparation, fertilisers,
weedicides/pesticides, machinery, irrigation, superintendence
and harvesting has a fair knowledge that on an average, the loss
suffered by the farmers at this stage of paddy alone would be
anything between Rs. 20000 to 25000 per acre. But as per the norms
recommended by the Punjab Government during your tenure as Deputy
Chief Minister, the State Government cannot pay to the farmers
anything more than Rs.700/-( for loss between 25% to 50% ) , Rs.1000/-(50%
to 75% ) and Rs.2000/- ( 75% to 100%) per acre. As a matter of
fact, the Congress led UPA Government at the Center went even
lower than these recommended norms and fixed only Rs. 1400/- per
acre where the loss was total.
5. Because of your long experience in governance, both as Chief
Minister and as Deputy Chief Minister/Minister, you would perhaps
be aware that it is not possible for the State Government to draw
funds from the CRF in excess of the norms fixed by the Govt.of
India. You must therefore be fully aware that the figure of Rs.1646
crore becomes totally irrelevant in absence of Govt.of India's
sanction for utilisation of funds beyond the prescribed limits
which were set only after your Government made the shocking recommendations
cited above.
6. Let me also use this opportunity to inform you that the SAD-BJP
Government in Punjab, fully aware of the constraints imposed by
the recommendations and the norms subsequently fixed by the Govt.of
India, decided to use its own resources to come to the aid of
the beleaguered farmers of the State. Accordingly, as against
the Central assistance of just Rs. 1400/-per acre for total loss,
the Govt.of Punjab is paying relief @ Rs.5000/-per acre. This
is being done by shelling out the additional funds from the State
Govt's own kitty.
7. I share your concern with regard to the inadequacy of relief
to the flood–hit farmers and have already approached the
Govt.of India for revision of the norms in this regard. As a matter
of fact, I was greatly embarrassed when, on my raising the demand
for greater relief of the compensation to the farmers, the Union
Home Minister told me that the quantum of relief was fixed only
after the recommendations and approval of the Punjab Government.
It was then that I became aware of the shockingly low norms recommended
by the Congress Government in Punjab.
8. It will certainly please you to know that SAD-BJP Government
has sent revised recommendations in this regard to the Government
of India, seeking, among other things, between Rs.15000/- and
Rs 20000/- per acre for flood-hit farmers, where the loss is above
75%. Other recommendations have also been similarly revised. For
example, as against Rs. 20000/- recommended by your Govt. for
total damage to a house, we have sought the quantum to be raised
to at least Rs.50,000/-
9. I would also like to inform you that in five years of its
tenure, the Congress Government in the State headed by Capt.Amarinder
Singh (and co-headed by your goodself) spent a total amount of
just over Rs. 81 crore as relief during natural calamities. This
was despite heavy floods, including those in Patiala and Sangrur
Districts during your tenure. In addition, the State was also
hit by severe drought during your tenure, calling for more relief.
10. As against Rs. 81 Crore spent by your Government in five
years, the SAD-BJP Government has already disbursed relief worth
more than Rs. 182 crore as calamity relief in just 18 months since
taking over.
11. You would also perhaps be pleased to know that the State
and District Administration from the highest to lowest rank in
the State swung into action immediately. The Chief Secretary headed
a team of senior officers, including Financial Commissioner, Revenue,
Principal Secretary Irrigation to visit the flood-affected areas
to personally know the problems of people. Similarly, three senior
Ministers, Sardar Janmeja Singh Sekhon(Irrigation), Bibi Upinderjit
Kaur (Education) and Sardar Ajit Singh Kohar (Revenue) camped
in the affected villages, spending days and nights with with beleaguered
people. As Chief Minister of the State, I dashed to the flood-hit
areas both for a personal assessment of the situation and for
meeting the flood victims for a first hand knowledge of their
problems. I have directed the Administration to work day and night
for the quickest possible solution to the problems, both on temporary
and long term basis. Regardless of the restrictive norms recommended
and approved during your regime, we are determined to stand-by
our people in their hour of distress, no matter what it takes.
Funds will not be allowed to become a constraint for immediate
I have already stated that we are ready to discuss the entire
issue on floor of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha.
At the same time, I would request you to join our efforts for
getting the relief/compensation norms of the Govt.of India revised
along the recommendation made by us.
Yours truly,
(Parkash Singh Badal )
Sardarni Rajinder Kaur Bhattal,
Leader of the Opposition
Punjab Vidhan Sabha.
Chandigarh, August 30, 2008
Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today directed the
State Health Department to intensify medical aid and supply of
medicines to flood affected victims in Moga, Ferozepur, Jalandhar
and Kapurthala districts.
According to Chief Minister's Media Advisor Harcharan Bains,
the Chief Minister personally spoke to the concerned Deputy Commissioners
and asked them to ensure that all necessary steps are undertaken
to prevent the outbreak of any epidemic in the affected villages.
He said that the Health Minister Ms. Laxmi Kanta Chawla along
with Secretary Health Satish Chandra had toured Moga and Ferozepur
districts extensively only day before yesterday to supervise the
relief work by the Health Department. He further informed that
necessary directions would be issued to all Civil Surgeons to
keep a strict vigil against any likely out-break of epidemic in
the affected villages.
Chandigarh, August 30, 2008
Punjab Chief Minister, Mr.Parkash Singh Badal today called upon
the people of the country to preserve peace, amity, and communal
harmony at all costs.
In a statement, Mr. Badal appealed to the people belonging to
different communities to strengthen the social fabric of our country
by displaying the age-old ethos of understanding and good-will
as preached by our great gurus, saints and seers. Mr. Badal also
underscored the need for religious tolerance, magnanimity and
unity in the larger interest of our society.
The Chief Minister said that there had been alarming reports
of attempts to disturb peace and communal harmony in various parts
of the country. He said that an all out social effort for safeguarding
peace and amity in the country was all the more important and
relevant at this critical juncture when the nation was already
facing threats to its secular and sovereign character.
He urged the people exercise maximum restraint in such testing
circumstances and to give a befitting reply to anti-social elements.
Badal condoles Dr. Birla's death
Chandigarh August 30, 2008
Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today expressed
profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of a noted Industrialist
and Chairman of 'The Hindustan Times Newspaper'. In a condolence
message the Chief Minister said Dr. K.K. Birla was an eminent
statesman, doyen of Indian Industry and a noble soul.
His emphatic role in the growth of industrial sector on one hand
and the promotion of trade and commerce on the other would for
ever be remembered by each one of us.
Mr. Badal also shared his heartfelt sympathies with the family
member of the bereaved family and prayed to the Almighty to give
strength and courage to them to bear this irreparable loss and
grant peace to the departed soul.
Meanwhile Member Parliament and president Shiromani Akali Dal
Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal also condoled death of Dr. K.K. Birla.
He said in his death the nation has lost a great visionary and
void has been created which was difficult to be filled.
Information & Public Relations Minister Mr. Bikram Singh
Majithia also mourned the death of Dr. Birla and described him
as a multi faceted personality besides a great philanthropist.
The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today squarely
blamed the previous Congress governement in the state for the
shocking inadequate relief to the flood victims in Punjab. In
a letter to the Leader of the Opposition in the state, Mrs. Rajinder
Kaur Bhattal, Chief Minister categorically said that the norms
fixed by the Congress Government for disbursement of Calamity
Relief Fund (CRF) in 2005 were now becoming a hurdle in the way
of relief to the flood victims in the state.
The Chief Minister declared that the government would welcome
a debate on the entire gamut of the issue in the forthcoming session
of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha beginning Septenmber 4. .
Mr. Badal also called upon the Punjab Pardesh Congress Committee
and the Leader of the Opposition in Punjab Assembly to join efforts
of the SAD-BJP government for getting the relief/compensation
norms revised from Government of India in consonance with the
recommendations made by our government.
The Chief Minister's letter came in reply to a communication
from the Leader of the Opposition to him on the subject.
Recalling the ground realities of Agricultural economy, Mr. Badal
pointed out that you could not have been a willing party to the
decision to make the previous recommendations to the GoI as anyone
familiar with the detailed costs of farming in-puts such as labour,
seeds, soil-preparation, fertilizers, weedicides/pesticides, machinery,
irrigation, superintendence and harvesting had a fair knowledge
that on an average, the loss suffered by the farmers at this stage
of paddy alone would be anything between Rs. 20000 to 25000 per
acre. But as per the norms recommended by the Punjab Government
during your tenure as Deputy Chief Minister, the State Government
could not pay to the farmers anything more than Rs.700/-( for
loss between 25% to 50% ) , Rs.1000/-(50% to 75% ) and Rs.2000/-
( 75% to 100%) per acre. As a matter of fact, the Congress led
UPA Government at the Center went even lower than these recommended
norms and fixed only Rs. 1400/- per acre where the loss was 100%.
The Chief Minister asked Mrs. Bhattal of her long experience
in governance, both as Chief Minister and as Deputy Chief Minister/Minister
was perhaps aware that it was not possible for the State Government
to draw funds from the CRF in excess of the norms fixed by the
GoI and therefore, the figure of Rs.1646 crore becomes totally
irrelevant in absence of GoI's sanction for utilization of funds
beyond the prescribed limits which were set only after Congress
Government made the shocking recommendations.
Realizing the constraints imposed by the recommendations and
the norms subsequently fixed by the GoI, Mr. Badal mentioned that
SAD-BJP Government decided to use its own resources in the aid
of the besieged farmers of the State. Accordingly, as against
the Central assistance of just Rs. 1400/-per acre for total loss,
the Govt. of Punjab was paying relief @ Rs.5000/-per acre. This
was being done by shelling out the additional funds from the State
Govt's own kitty.
Sharing her concern with regard to the inadequacy of relief to
the flood–hit farmers, Mr. Badal pointed out that we have
already approached the GoI for revision of the norms in this regard
adding as a matter of fact, he was greatly embarrassed when, on
his raising the demand for greater relief of the compensation
to the farmers, the Union Home Minister Mr.Shivraj V.Patil informed
him that the quantum of relief was fixed only after the recommendations
and approval of the Punjab Government. "It was then I became
aware of the shockingly low norms recommended by the Congress
Government in Punjab" said Mr. Badal.
The Chief Minister informed Mrs. Bhattal that now the SAD-BJP
Government had sent revised recommendations in this regard to
the Government of India, seeking, among other things, between
Rs.15000/- and Rs 20000/- per acre for flood-hit farmers where
the loss is above 75%. Other recommendations have also been similarly
revised. For example, as against Rs. 20000/- recommended by your
Govt. for total damage to a house, we have sought the quantum
to be raised to at least Rs.50,000/- .
The Chief Minister further mentioned that in five years of its
tenure, the Congress Government in the State headed by Capt. Amarinder
Singh (and co-headed by your goodself) spent a total amount of
just over Rs. 81 crore as relief during natural calamities in
view of heavy floods, in Patiala and Sangrur districts besides
severe drought during your tenure, calling for more relief. As
against Rs. 81 crore spent by your Government in five years, the
SAD-BJP Government had already disbursed relief worth more than
Rs. 182 crore as calamity relief in just 18 months since taken
over, added Mr. Badal.
Mr. Badal reiterated that regardless of the restrictive norms
recommended and approved during Congress regime, we were determined
to stand-by our people in their hour of distress, no matter what
it takes. Funds would not be allowed to become a constraint for
immediate relief, he asserted